

75 gallon fully cycled, 100 lbs live rock, 2 cleaners, blue legs, turbo snails, coral, had fish and am on my last one now...they have all died even with recommendations on how to treat whatever may have been wrong in the tank. I woke up this morning and my clown (last fish) looked like he had a powdery substance all over him and he appeared to be blind (bumping into the glass, rocks etc.) I have lost all of my fish and would really love to save this one...any recommendations?


I set the tank up Feb 11, 06... 20% water change Apr 01, 06...added live rock Apr 6, 06...added 2 clowns, 2 shrimp, turbo snails...Apr 22, 06 clown dies...finally after the addition and loss of other fish, I started a treatment for Ick (removing the carbon) and lost all but this one. Carbon is back in ~one week now. During the time of all losing all the fish I lost 3 feather dusters and one of my tree looking corals has shrunk to nothing. I have canister filter Mega350 with 2 power heads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blissninny
I got Rid Ick from the LFS and treated the tank.
If we're talking about the same Rid Ich then your medication contained formaldehyde and malachite green. This medication is NOT invert friendly. That could be part of the issue, especially with coral and inverts dying during treatment.


What i've learned medication doesnt do good on ick. I am having ick in my tank too. All fishes in QT and doing hypo on them.
Originally Posted by Blissninny
added live rock Apr 6, 06...added 2 clowns, 2 shrimp, turbo snails...Apr 22, 06 clown dies...finally after the addition and loss of other fish,
Did you add your live rocks with your clowns, shrimps and snails? Rock was cured? Even cured live rock can have some die off during shipping. And it can cause amonia spike. Did you test your water?


I added the fish at different times. I check the levels much more frequently than is required. The only thing off recently is a touch of ammonia but it is very slight and I use ammonia detox for that which brings it back down. It has registered a few times in the past week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blissninny
I added the fish at different times. I check the levels much more frequently than is required. The only thing off recently is a touch of ammonia but it is very slight and I use ammonia detox for that which brings it back down. It has registered a few times in the past week.
I suspect the ammonia is showing up because the tank is trying to cycle again. I bet the medication wiped out your cycling bacteria. This quote is taken from the maker's of Rid Ich about the medication: "...but may not be tolerated by certain invertebrates".
Do a quick search on the effects of Formalin and Malachite Green. You'll quickly see these medicines are good at what the do: kill inverts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blissninny
I set the tank up Feb 11, 06... 20% water change Apr 01, 06...added live rock Apr 6, 06...added 2 clowns, 2 shrimp, turbo snails...Apr 22, 06 clown dies...finally after the addition and loss of other fish, I started a treatment for Ick (removing the carbon) and lost all but this one. Carbon is back in ~one week now. During the time of all losing all the fish I lost 3 feather dusters and one of my tree looking corals has shrunk to nothing. I have canister filter Mega350 with 2 power heads.
It says you did a 20% water change on April 1st of 2006. Have you done any water changes since then? Then it says you added live rock with fish, shrimp, etc. Since you added live rock after the cycle the tank cycled again most likely and thats what killed the clown on 4/22. that would account for the justover 2 week period that the rock was cycling the tank. And yes, adding Rid Ich probably killed the inverts.


I will try the hypo (providing the fish is still alive when I get home). At any rate, I will be setting up a QT so this, hopefully, doesn't happen again. It's not as simple as the loss of money spent on these fish rather the attachment and then seeing them die...
Thank you for the posts!