FS: Ricordia, Xenia, Zoanthid rock w/Mushrooms


I’ve been thinking about fragging some of my corals. The ones that are going to be fragged are some light green ricordia w/ pink mouths, brownish ricordia, xenia, and a good size rock(3”x3”x6”) full of zoanthid(green w/ orange centers) and purple/blue mushrooms. If interested please email me at doe5ia14@yahoo.com or leave a post. I haven’t fragged much yet except for a few ricorda. Let me know if you want them attach to rock or not.
E-mail for pictures as I have no hosting site. I can also take additional pictures of any sorts you would like.
I think that overnight shipping would be best but if you would like to try 2nd day or priority mail at your own risk let me know.
Thank You


I've been thinking about fragging, too. As I replied to another Xenia thread, I am interested in getting some Xenia and/or maybe ricordia. We've got a yellow leather (sarcophyton elegans) that I am ready to try propogating if you're interested in a trade. (I've attached a shot of our yellow leather when he was a little guy - he's a foot in diameter now and in need of 'pruning'). We also have some pimpled mushrooms that are growing out of control (for that I only have to convince my clown fish that they can let a couple go - they've adopted them, but it's a big group now). Those are kinda similar in appearance to the ricordia (I think).
Let me know if you're interested in either.

oregon _gorge

New Member
Hello Kathy,
We would be interested in a frag of the yellow leather. How much and what size will the frags be?
Chris and Pam:)


Hi KMatysek, I am interested too on the yellow leather. How much for a frag and priority shipping to Modesto CA. 95358 area code. Thanks.
Hi doe5ia14, I'm interested too on some ricordia, I emailed you don't know if you received it. Same shipping USPS priority mail. Thanks.


oregon_gorge and lime,
Wow, this is kind of exciting! A couple of things, though: I think I mentioned that I haven't done this before (except cutting off a small extension at it's base when we bought it, but that little guy took off great and we were newbies at the time, so I'm sure we can do this...). Also, elegans requires excellent lighting. We have 4 x 96 power compacts (2 white, 2 actinic) in our 90 g, and have kept the elegans in the top third of the tank. We've had them through all our starting out and they've done great, so they're easy, just need good light. Also, we haven't done the cutting yet, so it will be a week or two before they're ready to send.
I haven't a clue what to charge, I was really thinking trade, so make a suggestion. I just want to cut it back and find homes for it's offspring. I'm assuming the way to send them is 2 day in a thermos. Any of you have any experience at this? I'll check out how much 2 day USPS costs (and check out thermoses).


I don't have anything to trade yet except for some colt coral. Let me know how much + shipping. Thanks.

bang guy

Hi Kathy,
Did you see my post in the Buffalo/Xenia thread? I'm about an hour south of you in Warsaw. I have Red Sea Xenia, Orange Ricordea Yuma, Green Star Polyps and a few other coral morsels to trade. I'd LOVE a hunk of that Leather!
E-mail me is you're interested - Guynwarsaw@yahoo.com
FYI - We are having an Upstate Reef Sosiety meeting the 18th in Buffalo. Would you be interested? I'm not hosting so I'd need to see if there's still room but if you're interested I will ask for you.


Hey Bang Guy, You want to sell a frag of your ricordea. Thanks.

bang guy


Originally posted by lime
Hey Bang Guy, You want to sell a frag of your ricordea. Thanks.

e-mail me at the address listed above. Be warned, these guys get big...


New Member

Originally posted by isseym328
I got some ricordia floridas for sale if you guys are interested. I'm located in southern california. Please email me for price and pics. My email is isseym328it@aol.com. Thanks.

Isseym328, where in southern california are you located.....i may be interested in some ricordeas....how much do you want and what colors do you have?