Fuge Light..Help


How long should i run it for? and i read some where that u are suppose to run it opposite of your main lights.is that true if so why.
thank you for the help


Active Member
Most run it during the hours that there DT lights are out. Basically grows the algae in the sump instead of your tank. By having the lights just on in the fuge will assist in not having them competing each other when they both are on. Putting an algae plant in there will help this process greatly. I plan on putting a snail a hermit or 2 and a small sandshifter into my fuge. Most wont.


I run my fuge light from 6 p.m. - 10 a.m. I have live sand, some LR, chaeto, cerith snails, nassarius, a monkey shrimp, a pencil urchin, and LOTS of bristle worms...LOL


Active Member
The basics of running a fuge light reverse DT lights is that the pH drops once the lights go out.. Its a chance to keep the pH more stable and in turn its lights for the fuge..