Fuge question?


Active Member
I am not sure what you are asking. Is this an above tank refugium? Be a bit more specific in your question.


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
ok im goin to make a fuge and how high should my drain goin back into my main tank be?

How are you draining your Main display now? Like Birdy said.. need more info on your setup..


What is the purpose of the fuge? Is it for nitrate problems....or pod population? If you want pod population...you will need to put the refuge above the tank so the water is gravity fed back to the tank.(Pods and water pump blades dont go well together:nope: )


Well-Known Member
If you can drill the upper and use a bulkhead, place that bulkhead as high as you possibly in the upper tank.
Take care of the fuge and I'll becha ya people will be more interested in the fuge than the display.
something to think about for all: in this case isn't the main display technically the sump? :D :thinking:
Looks like it will be a good system.


Active Member
you have two choices
1. Drill the glass in side of the tank where you want the water to drain from (kinda scary in a 10gallon tank)
2. buy a small overflow for the 10gallon.
Using a rubbermaid or an acrylic tank, might have been a better option, because they can easily be drilled for refugiuims.


Active Member
Here is a 20g with a 1" bulkhead.. I dont recommend the overflow on a refugium if your doing low flow return.. It was nothing but problems with me as air bubbles constanlty sneak back into the U tube in the overflow and over time would break siphon suction flooding the room.


Active Member
I agree that an overflow is not a fantastic option, but it is difficult to drill a 10gal glass tank, they are thin and break easily and it is probably more expensive to have a 10gal drilled than the actual cost of the tank.


Active Member
my dad is goin to get a guy to make an acrylic 10 gallon and how many gph should the powerhead be to pump up the water?


Active Member
measure the distance from where the powerhead will be to where it is pumping into the fuge and that is your head height, then look for a pump with at least that much head pressure.
Usually most pumps and larger powerheads list head height.


I found a glass place by me who will drill my 18g for $25. Not a bad price considering the cost for an overflow, and its a much more effective and reliable way to drain water back to the DT.


Active Member
i was going to use a rio 1700 then i found out the gph was 695 and that would blow everything out of my fuge lol. what would u guys suggest on which powerhead to use?I also can get my tanks drilled for 10 bucks.