Future Line up research--Help needed


I am doing a lot of research for my 150 gal tank. It will be set up when new house finished. I will move what i have now, and add a few new fish.
This will be a reef tank, with mostly softies and sps.
Here is what i have now.
1 fire fish goby
1 bi-color blenny
1 royal gramma
2 clowns. fp
1 rain fordi
1 mandrin
3 blue green chromis
What to add??
1 blue hippo tang
1 lawn mower blenny
1 fox face
1 lemon peel angel or coral beauty angel
2 anthias, either lyrtail or bartlett anyone know about these???
2 cardinals either pajama or bangaii or candy strip???
then maybe a purple tang?? or a sail fin tang. (depends on how hardy they are)
any help or opinions welcome :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:

bang guy

As far as a Tang get the Purple and that's it.
For Lyretail, get at least 5 IMO, all female.
If you can find a tank bred pair of Banggai that would be good, otherwise a pair of either of the other Cardinalfish.
The other fish sound fine but it's starting to get crowded.


I'd go for a purple tang, a naso, a hippo, powder blue, a yellow a bicolor angel, coral beauty, flame angel, and a purple firefish just to name a few. All are very hardy (except two) the powder blue tangs get ick easily, and the coral beauties are pretty hardy, but not super.


Teresa, I love my lyretail anthias! I have a male and 3 femals, they do great together. They are hermaphroditic so if you got all females the dominant one would turn male over some time. That is what is happening to my friends who has 3 females.
As for the tang purple would be great. Possibly the sailfin which is what I want but don't have a big enough tank.
I have a coral beauty and love him! Doesn't pick on anything, not corals or the other fish.
Good luck with the new tank!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Buzzword
Teresa, I love my lyretail anthias! I have a male and 3 femals, they do great together. They are hermaphroditic so if you got all females the dominant one would turn male over some time. That is what is happening to my friends who has 3 females.
Excellent clarification. That's why I suggest all females. A harem can only have one male. Often if you add a male with a bunch of females one of the females will be more dominant than the male. This female will turn male and kill off the previous male. It's safer to get all females and let the harem choose who is to be the male.
It's also interesting to watch the gradual transformation.
IMO a 6 foot tank is too short for a Sailfin. I have seen it work long term but not often. A 6 foot tank is perfect for a Purple Tang though :)


Thanks, so lets see hows this
1 hippo tang (this is a must. I promised my kids for the last 4 months)
1 purple tang.
3 or 4 anthias
1 dwarf angel