Future tank inhabitants...



I am currently cycling a 30 gallon hexagon tank with sand/pookah shell substrate and as of now a large piece of coral (nothing live). Although this is my first salt tank I also have a 125 gallon freshwater tank that I have had for about 2 years. When choosing my inhabiatants I know that my tank can only sustain a few small, non-aggressive fish. I have been researching future inhabitants of my tank and am thinking of the following:
1 Royal Dottyback (aka Bicolor Pseudochromis)
1 Mandarin Dragonet
1 Maroon Clown
1 Percula or True Clown
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 or 2 Bumblebee Snails
Does this sound like a good mix? If not does anyone have any suggestions? A friend of mine has a Mandarin Dragonet and I LOVE IT! Over all the fish I want this one the most.


New Member
Most, not all, mandarins have a very specialize diet that requires lots of live rock to support the pods they eat. I don't believe a 30g hex is going to be big enough to support it. I have one in a 75g with 100lbs of live rock. I've never seen it eat any of the food I offer the tank, but it's quite fat. It also shouldn't be added until the tank has a big population of pods.
I've heard of people who have mandarins that eat mysis and brine shrimp, but that's not very common.
The clowns may or may not do well together. I think the rest of your choices will work fine together.


also the Maroon Clown may now play well with the Percula clown the get fairly large and can be aggressive


Anyone have any suggestions or ideas of what may be good inhabitants for a 30 gallon hex?:rolleyes: