Fuzzy Dwarf Time


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Barry, Wade, thank you very much for the compliments!
My two females do not leave each other's side. They swim together, eat together, and usually sleep in the same rock, also. They are growing quite nicely. They were so tiny when I got them.
Wow Crazz, beautifull ladies you have there!!!!! Very nice lions, Wade, Barry, Lion and Murph!!! :cheer:


I was just looking again at the pics. Barry, what is yours hunting for? She is peering over that edge looking for someone!!! Who is becoming lunch this time?


Active Member
here is a pic of mine... the yellow makes them look so much better... i saw an all brown one that was about 4" that was ugly... sorry about the glare... the 2nd pic is probably the best pic i have of mine...
sorry had to add a couple more good ones i found...



Active Member
Taznut, beautiful male you got there!
Wade, no hunting just perched. Thats her favorite spot to "monitor" traffic. Ha!


I saw one of these at my LFS when I first started out with SW and it was just labeled "lionfish" and I thought there was something wrong with it. . . lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
I saw one of these at my LFS when I first started out with SW and it was just labeled "lionfish" and I thought there was something wrong with it. . . lol

lol, i probably would have too.


Sorry, guys... bonehead question alert:
How are you sexing this fuzzy little cuties? Did I see early on that you're counting something? :notsure:


Active Member
To --- a fuzzy dwarf lionfish, just count the bars on their fins.
Female = 4-6 bars
Male = 6-10 bars
Males also have larger heads.


Yeah, she was actually pretty sick when I took those pictures...they're probably six or seven months old. She is a real trooper, and has been doing well since.