Fuzzy Dwarf Time


Active Member
shogun and murph, you guys have your dwarf lions in reef tanks? so it looks anyway. How does that work? Is it just corals & clams you have them with? no inverts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
shogun and murph, you guys have your dwarf lions in reef tanks? so it looks anyway. How does that work? Is it just corals & clams you have them with? no inverts?
I have mine in a reef and I know Murph does at well. Although I cant speak for him regarding his residents, I have my fuzzy with an adult Cleaner shrimp that is twice the size of him, about 20 nassarious snails, various hermits, and mexican turbo snails. Also corals and clams.
The rule is they will eat fish that will fit in their mouth which is deceptively large as well as shrimp or crabs, excluding hermits, that they can fit as well.

hawk fish

to add on to that shogun323..i put 5 baby emeralds and 3 little sallys in my tank in about 5 min of watching them the lion ate 3 emeralds and 2 sallys(know idea how he got the sallys to godown but he went back for more after the 1st one hahaha wow lots of beautyful lions MURFFFF I LOVE YOUR LION!!!!


Originally Posted by slowburn22
Quil... Is Alaska Aquarium still the best fish store in Anchorage... Or maybe house of critters out in dimond?
Actually neither one of those stores exist here now. I only moved here about a year and a half ago, but the only places here to go to are The Reef (in the Sear's Mall) and Animal House (off International)
I also have my dwarf fuzzy and new dwarf zebra in a reef. Neither have ever bothered any of my corals, nor have I ever seen them go after a hermit or snail, and I have a bunch. My female fuzzy did inhale a smallish peppermint shrimp, though. But otherwise no worries at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
shogun and murph, you guys have your dwarf lions in reef tanks? so it looks anyway. How does that work? Is it just corals & clams you have them with? no inverts?
im pretty much in the same boat as shogun.... i used to have a large cleaner but it passed awhile back so no shrimp anymore
hes just got some various hermits and snails
he has consumed a few smaller fish in the past but now i make sure to feed him on a schedule of every 3 days some chunks of frozen whole shrimps and some frozen formula 1 for color hes done good this way not one prob in over 8 months


Active Member
i saw a lionfish that was like yours murph at a lfs. not much yellow though, but the redish pinkish color was amazing on him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
im pretty much in the same boat as shogun.... i used to have a large cleaner but it passed awhile back so no shrimp anymore
hes just got some various hermits and snails
he has consumed a few smaller fish in the past but now i make sure to feed him on a schedule of every 3 days some chunks of frozen whole shrimps and some frozen formula 1 for color hes done good this way not one prob in over 8 months
Is he all alone now, or have u introduced any other fish?


Active Member
ive got about 12 other fish in the tank some pretty small and hes fine with them... anytime i put a new fish in the tank i do it with lights out so hes not payin attention otherwise with any fish like this they get acustomed to thinking its feeding time when u open the top