Fuzzy "whiskers" on Tomato Clown??


I notice my tomato clown has little fuzzy whiskers on the trailing edge of his gills right behind the stripe. It looks like they are symetrical in size and shape on bith sides.
Is this normal?
All the reading I've been doing about black ich has me freakin out whenever I see anything black!
here is the best picture I have:


I just noticed that Ron s posted this picture in another thread. See the black "fuzzy" mark at the back of the gill stripe?
That is what the "whiskers" kind of look like on my Tomato.


Is it some kind of fungus?
...and what kind of a response is this?
"I would get the clown so it doesn't spread the disease. And from the pic it looks like a fungus, so a fungus medicine would probly cure it.
Takeing sick fish out of a tank is a known
I'm getting rude i need sleep so bye
Forgive me if i sound mad/rude/grumpy
Is this a qualified opinion or an opinion from someone who is mad rude and grumpy?
I was actually quite serious in trying to find out if this is a legitimate concern, I guess I should ask the question again during normal business hours and not during "happy hour" on a Friday evening!
Does anyone else think these "whiskers" are a concern?


Staff member
I'm trying to get Terry B attention on this. Marine fungus is so rare. More likely a bacterial infection.
Can you treat with Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish.


Thanks Beth....
I can get some Maracyn Two today and treat him. He is in a tank with a yellow Tang and a Lunar Wrasse. Is it safe to treat them as well?
Also, I will be converting this FO tank to a reef tank eventually. does the Maracyn Two treatment cause any problems with a future reef system. (I heard that copper stays forever, just curious about this medicine also)



Originally posted by Beth
You are treating your fish in a diplay?
Do you have LR, LS?

No LR or LS, although I do have a QT, if it is something that could effect the other guys should I go ahead and do the whole tank? or just do the clown in the QT and see if the other fish develop problems?


Staff member
Do the clown in the QT....Hypo is fine for a FO, but antibiotics is another story. Usually fish don't spread a bacterial infection.



Originally posted by Terry B
Black coloration or a change in coloration to black is not necessarily abnormal in clownfish. Their coloration often changes as they mature. If the black areas appear to be symetrical on both sides then I have my doubts that it is a problem. Lets talk about the behavioral symptoms or changes that you have seen. Is the fish behaving normally? How is it eating? Does the fish appear to be vibrant and respond to movement inside and outside of the aquarium? Is the fish lethargic? Fungal infections are not that common in saltwater fish and they are usually not symetrical. Fungal infections usually begin in a wound. If the fish had ich then the wounds can lead to a bacterial or fungal infection. I think I would just observe the fish for now and see if it acts like a sick fish. Keep us posted and report any possible symptoms. I wound not be treating the fish with anything other that adding vitamins and Selcon to the food for now. Since you have already moved the fish to a hospital tank I hope that it is cycled.
Terry B

Thanks Terry,
He eats normally and acts normal in the tank. I haven't put him in the QT yet.
He doesn't show any signs of abnormal behavior. I Will keep an eye on him and see if anything changes.
Thanks again for your help......


He is still acting normal and the fuzzy marks don't appear to have gotten any bigger. Here is a somewhat better picture.
Thanks again.....

bang guy

Are you just referring to the ragged appearance at the back of the gill plates? I believe all Clownfish have this feature.


Staff member
There is, of course, that raggedness around the black stripe which is normal, but I also see a bit of a shadowy appearance beyond that.
I would not see that as a problem either, unless the fish was not acting normal.
When you said fuzzy whiskers, I was thinking of actual fuzz....and looking all over the place for the fuzz! LOL


Thanks Bang Guy and Beth,
When I first noticed them I kinda freeked out! They actually look like little whiskers, and I had been reading everything I could on these boards about black ich and how it looks like raised spots on the fish.
I hadn't noticed anything similar on any other pictures of clowns so thought I should ask and find out.
Maybe dude just needs to work in a shave now and then!
Thanks again for all your help. :)