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I'm going to disagree with you on most, and agree with you in part.
I think it is absurd to say that the gov't caused a market bubble. The market caused the market bubble and it was AIDED by the government.
There are major similarities between the tech bubble and housing bubble (or tulip bubble, or any other bubble in the history of capitalism). The Tech bubble was caused by new technology that had "infinite" growth, or in other words, "no risk." Once people realized there was risk, and the bubble burst they looked for something more tangible to invest in, namely real estate. Demand for real estate increased, aided by easy financing. The easy financing came from the gov't backing loans, and
officers taking advantage knowing they had "no risk" of holding such loans.
The gov't did help compound the problem, but they did not create the market for housing.
And then you state that capitalism worked b/c it found a flaw and exploited it. I would suggest this is the biggest argument FOR proper government regulation. Capitalism, by its very nature of pursuit of one's self interest is not necessarily aimed in the interest of the country. Proper counter-cyclical monetary policy (and to some extend fiscal policy) is a must to lessen the blow of market bubbles. A look at capitalism's history shows a series of booms and busts, not steady growth, it has a horrible history of self regulation. On the other hand, the government should stay out of things such as housing loans (is
still censored?), and only act as a police force, watching but not intervening in most instances.
On the infinite growth idea, Schumpeter saw the possibility for infinite growth through creative destruction, though there is not a model to show or predict this trend....
This is where you're wrong, Government created organizations which absorbed risk. Fanny and Freddy. They took over a market for high risk loans. By purchasing them at low interest rates. In effect, subsidizing what the market would have offered the loans at.
The lower rates, that the banks in turn offered (since they knew that the government would purchase them, and needed to comply with Equal Housing laws) allowed a high risk borrowers to borrow for much less than they would have, if a private underwriter was underwriting the loan.
Had the government not created and expanded Fanny and Freddy, private underwriters would NOT have been willing to purchase loans at such low rates. And those people would have been priced out of the market. (and that is why private underwriting almost completely left that market)
So the loans were priced to value the risk the Bankers took on. Which was virtually nothing, since all they had to do was turn around and sell the loan to a GOVERNMENT created corporation... That corporation in turn cooked their books, and sold those loans in the form of securities. And companies, purchased those security as a form of Liquid assets. Because according to the GOVERNMENT created corporation, it was VERY secure...
If ANYTHING needs to be policed, it was the government created corporations. As an industry the banks operated in the market environment that the government created.
This whole argument saying that lack of government oversight caused the completely 180 degrees out of phase.