general consensus?

al mc

Active Member
I run carbon for about a week after a coral or fish dies. No science..just superstition.


Active Member
I ran carbon for some time changing it weekly but it kept leaching phosphate so I started running Phos-ban. Then I remembered that I was lazy and I replaced it with C.C.


i do but i guess its only because i do on my fresh water tanks,but it does keep my water clear , the week and a half i didnt run it my water had a slight green tint to it, so since i have loads of it laying around i dont see why not ot put it in since it actually does something


Active Member
I run it rarely in my 55gal reef tank-last time was when I noticed the water had a yellow tint to it and the carbon cleared it right up. As for corals dying, I keep an eye on them and they usually decline kinda gradually so it's not like a large fish that dies and you really need to get the carcass out asap.
Yeah, I used to use it all the time when keeping a FW tank, which is why I even still have it around.


Active Member
i ran cardon in my 24g aquapod and i don't run it in my 90g...both tanks have the same water quality....ratio wise i have same amout of rock, sand and live stock..u don't need it if u have good cleaning routlines and u stick to it...


I only run carbon occasionally.
the bad thing with carbon if its not changed on a regular basis it will abosrb he bad stuff till it gets saturated and then start to release ir back into the tank.

bang guy

Originally Posted by TurningTim
I use carbon when I think its needed. Maybe once a month. But I only have it in there for max 3 days and then its removed. I only run GFO all the time.
This is how I do it as well because after about 2 days it's no longer effective.


I run it in my tank for about 3 days a month. I will also run it for a couple days after I add a new soft coral. I've heard about doing this somewhere on this site. I quess it helps to absorb some of the toxins that soft corals release when moved or when they shed like toadstools do.


i use carbon now just thought you had to, after reading this thread i think i'll take the carbon out. i did not realize that it becomes ineffective after a couple of days


so far no negative effects that i can see... if the tank stays clear like it is i may just run it a few times a month too..
is anybody else noticing their skimmer pulls less when you run it and more when you dont?