Get t5's!!!!


i think i will stick with my MH or VHO set ups that i use as for T5 i have a buddy that uses T5s and he wishes he had money for MH he runs 8 bulbs alittle over 400 to get what i get out of 2 bulbs (800 watts) he needs to run 16... so my MH bulbs are close to 100 for each bulb (200 bucks) and for each of the T5s its, well say 25 a bulbs 400 bucks also with any bulb you have to expect that some are going to be duds as in not lasting the full year they are supposed to and if you get 1 in 20 thats a dud from any type of bulbs youll be buing more duds of T5s then MH
also i know you can run MH for a year before replacing, how long do T5s last befor they need to be replaced? thats also something to look at
as for that light reading test from the first post, 500 reading at the bottom of the tank is nuttz and something is wrong with your tester
and for the statement that T5s are better then VHOs sorry have to say it guys, they are the SAME technology as far as produceing the light T5 is the size of the bulb, nothing more! where T12s are the size of the bulb nothing more!
as for cost over the years you do the math, VHOs are still the better choice, as are MH
i rank T5s with PCs they are only going to be used on any of my tanks for color inhancers and thats it


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
You were at TRS weren't you? What a difference the to the shop now that Tom is running T5 on the coral stock tanks, and the 54g corner in the center room. They really put the old VHO to shame.
He's running four and six bulb retros, 54w bulbs. I'm hoping CF will follow.
Yup, just wish i could go more often. I was there to pick up 2 seahorses.
everything looks so nice.
i put my hand on the t5 fixture and it was WAY cooler than my PCs.(t5's had been running 8 hrs) The only thing i can compare it to for MHs is that t5s hav a higher PAR. Keep in mind all my comments,(except the PAR thing) are compareing t5 to PCs. And also t5's defiantly LOOK better than VHO"s
Anyway, to everyone just starting their reef, if you were considering PC look into T5's

bang guy

I rank T5 above PC because PC waste a lot of light on restrike. For the other bulbs it depends on the situation.