Getting back into the fun of things


The sand and the rock that we put in the tank were already from established tanks so technically I guess that means it's not a brand new set up but one that is being pieced together from various sources. Cycling becomes a little less of importance because the whole idea of it is that we are trying to harvest nitrifying bacteria and if they are already present then we must assume that ammonia is not going to be a big issue.


Active Member
ya know, maybe I'm just jealous since I have had my tank set up for 51 days now and still do not have a fish.

but that will change tomorrow


LoL...Is it a large tank? Are you cycling with shrimp and doing ammonia testing? I really do wish I had that kind of patience :). It does seem like an awfully long time to wait though. I wonder how long the longest was that someone has waited or "Cycled" the tank before they got any livestock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrandolph1
LoL...Is it a large tank? Are you cycling with shrimp and doing ammonia testing? I really do wish I had that kind of patience :). It does seem like an awfully long time to wait though. I wonder how long the longest was that someone has waited or "Cycled" the tank before they got any livestock.
Well, it's a 55 gallon. I had to cure my rock as well as my cycle so that's why it took so long. I didn't have to use a shrimp, the LR was enough to start my cycle. I am actually getting a fish today.


Cool don't forget to post pictures. Yeah I had the thought of curing the rock myself and then I heard about the smell. No thank you, I'll just pay the extra couple of bucks for the already cured stuff LoL. Plus when the LFS sells it for 5 bucks a pound cured why not. I got a really good deal on that one but their all the time price is 6 bucks a pound so that is not to far a stretch. When I first started looking at the prices in my area was when I first started looking at curing the stuff myself. But I learned the good stores that weren't trying to buy porches on live rock and stick with them. :)


Yea I just got back into the hobby myself. I got a 29gal with pc light, filters ,and stand. I just got a protein skimmer and then added another 65 watt pc retro light. Did the same as you got live sand and live rock. I also used Seachem's Stability and cycled the tanks in 2 weeks. Now I'm adding my old sump to it taoday so I can have a refuge. Hope all goes well with your tank.


So far so good :). Got a skunk cleaner today and some more live rock. This was a little more expensive and was still only 6 bucks a pound and it is premo stuff. Check it out.



well I got my new protein skimmer today. This thing is sweet and doesn't make half the noise the skilter made. Sending the skilter back to the company I got it from. My advice never get a skilter cause they suck pretty bad.


Well yesterday I got some new lights, an anemone, a fire fish, and an emerald crab. Yeah I went a little overboard yesterday. Should have some pics up later today though. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrandolph1
Well yesterday I got some new lights, an anemone, a fire fish, and an emerald crab. Yeah I went a little overboard yesterday. Should have some pics up later today though. :)
can't wait to see some pictures. I hope the anemone survives. From what I hear they need a pretty mature tank.


the anemone is doing well...already found a nice spot to call home. I hope the clown will take to it and start feeding it and stuff.


Here is a pic of the new anemone. I really need the get a better camera sometime and sorry but only the attinics are on currently at the moment. I will get another pic when the day lights come on :).