Getting off to a bad start

tom b.

New Member
No I used the same contractor again. I really don't think it was his fault. When the tank broke it was 10:30PM. I called hin and within 30 minutes he was here with a crew and worked until 2:00AM cleaning up the mess. He has repaced everything without any cost to me. He is really trying hard. I feel it was the maker of the tank that caused the problem. I only hope the tank maker helps him out as I know for certain the loss to him will be at least $12,000.00. I live in Naples, Florida and the Tank Maker is from Fort Meyers.
Tom B.


Active Member
If it split due to lack of "glue" then it was CERTAINLY the tank makers fault.
You and your contractor both have enough to settle that in court, against the tank maker, if you so choose to.
It was a flaw in the guys design and he should own up to it. If he's the business of making tanks, then he should know that a tank that size (especially the height) needs much more bracing than a "regular" tank.


Active Member
Holy smokes!!! That would be a nightmare!!! I've only got a 37gal tank, and the thought of something like that happening even with my nano is unthinkable!!
I'm glad that you and yours are okay. Best of luck with the next time around. Post pics when you can!!
Lisa :happyfish

tom b.

New Member
Thanks for your concern. The tank maker is a real Jerk!!! As you know it doesn't pay to sue anyone because the courts seldom award attornet fees. Besides it is the contractor who I contracted with that should sue.
Tom B.


Active Member
That must blow, I would recommend thicker glass, letting your tank cycle for a long time. And also did you say your putting your tank infront of a window? Unless you live some place cold a window will get to much direct sunlight and over heat your tank unless you have a lot of chillers going to work, as for me I live in AZ and nothing can go infront of a window


New Member
Wow, that sucks to have your tank break like that. But it is good that it is being replaced at no charge to you. Hope everyhting works out well for you and please do post some pics of your new tank (that hopefully wont break again)

tom b.

New Member
Thanks everone for your concerns. Yes the contractor wanted to use the same Tank builder because he is going to replace the old tank for almost nothing and give the contractor the old tank and repair it for him so that he can use it in his showroom. I refused to have the old tank repaired so they have just installed a new one using extra reinforceing at all the seams. The tank was made of Acrylic material.
They will fill the tank today with live rock & saltwater using 50% saltwater from their exsiting tanks and 50% RO Saltwater. The Live Coral will be installed in a couple of days and the the fish a day or two later. He claims to do this all the time and bsesidesl the Coral & Fish are guarenteed for 6 months. He will also do my weekly maintenance.
Yes the tank is actually replacing a window and yes I live in Naples Florida so we get a lot of light but we have a very large chiller and extra large pumps. If it gets to be a problem then he said he could install a Ozone filter but claims sometimes that could burn some of the fish. I will probably have the glass tinted that comes into that room from another room that has all the exposure to the sun.
Tom B.

tom b.

New Member
Yes he really does quarentee the Fish & Coral for 6 months.
They installed the new tank yesterday and he placed the Live coral rock and water in the tank. He came back today and realized the tank was about 1/32 off from being level. He then called the Builder of the tank and he traved down from Fort Myers (about an hour away) and the two of them figured a way to correct the problem. He has been here since 10:00AM and just now left for dinner and said he will be back in an hour. The point I am trying to make is that the guy is really trying hard to get it right. Also, he is probably running a little scared as if the tank breaks again and spills into the house it would cause a huge amount of damage because of all the antiques we have + the wood floors and Oriental rugs would be ruined.
If it should go I promise you I wouldn't have the patience to do it again.


As a precaution, could you move the valuable antiques for a while so that just in wouldn't have a pricey damage?

tom b.

New Member
Thought about that, but would really be hard to do as some are very heavy. I wonder if my Homeowners Insurance would cover any of the damage??? The Antiques are under a seperate policy.


I'm no insurance expert, and I would call my agent to clarify...but if they had their own policy, I would imagine they would be covered. However, water damage is an "iffy" coverage area...


Active Member
Hi tom, sorry to hear about your tank. I am in cape coral, but use lfs in ft myers and naples. Hope you have better luck with new tank.

tom b.

New Member
Who is IFS in Fort Myers? My contractor shop is in Bonita Beach he goes by the name of "Saltwater Solutions". He is the guy that is trying very hard to make it right. His shop is just off Old 41 and he has at least 100 tanks with Coral, Live Rock, Fish etc. Very large supplier. You may want to visit him.
The Tank Builder is in Fort Myers and claims to have outlets in over 100 cities in the US and also claims to employ over 60 divers through out the world collecting fish, & Coral that he distributes in the USA. I have never been to his shop and he may not even do retail business. He supplies my contractor with all his supplies.
Tom B.


Active Member
I like Salt water solutions. I ought my 150 gal tank from there. I dont get down there as ofter as i would like, it take about 40 min to drive there.
I usually go to ocean aquatic in ft myers, they also have a place in naples. Good luck with your tank