Originally Posted by
A nice mix of Kalkwasser and hot water does nicely also. Very concentrated!
I will have to try the torch method though!
OH Nooooo Mr Bill!.......... (sorry I'm Old)!
This was brough up in past threads but for some reason I usually use french accents when talking on behalf of my tank.
Aptasia tend to always try playing off like lost tourists that got caught at customs.......
"Oh Par-doh. My mistake. I am juhs paszing zrue I ehssure. Please put away zat terrible devices......Perhaps missure is confused..I azsure you I am a harmless. Dohn juss hate eh me because I ehm foreen!."
then followed by screaming "OOOOHHH nooooo Pleeeaaase...Zee Humanity!!!"
See. I really AM a nutjob.