You folks on the left might want to not make such stupid proclamations about Palin. This guy was motivated by the hysterical calls that the religious right was destroying the country from YOUR side. Yet you lefties still are so filled with hate, so eager to blame anyone who doesn't think like you, that you assign all things evil to those who don't think like you. The most insidious thing, which is why I started this thread (THANK YOU FISHTACO) is to show how the Democrats use this kind of tragedy (ironically done by one of theirs this time) to say that ANY discussion that isn't within their left based universe is dangerous and inciting violence. Just like "hate speech" laws are now used to punish anyone who doesn't agree with homosexuality, make no mistake, those who think like Fishtaco want nothing more than to stop all of us conservatives from being able to voice our opinions without fear of prosecution. That's why they are blaming Sarah Palin (and the Today show today blamed "incindiary radio talk show hosts"), because they want to make any talk opposite theirs' illegal. Go to downtown San Francisco (and many other states and cities-I am most familiar with their law) and say, "The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin." That will get you arrested for a hate crime because it is "inciteful"-it is "inciting hatred of sodomites". Sound esoteric? They have every intention to make ANY dissent from the Democrat platform a hate crime and this kind of thing is how they do it.Before saying I am stretching it, listen carefully to the Democrat politicians and their media spokespeople; Katie: "Is this kind of rhetoric dangerous, Jim?" JIM:"Why yes it is Katie, the fact that Republican politicians and right wing radio use such inciteful speech, clearly motivates people like this. And they need to be held accountable just as much as those pulling the trigger". Katie: "So true Jim, maybe if enough people get tired of the violence perpetrated by the right-wing bomb throwers, they will finally press Congress to stop this kind of rhetoric." Jim: " Let's hope so, Katie".