Girlfriend 3g tank


I wouldn't put a clown in a 3 gal. Mainly b/c they want to eat all the time. Water changes are already too frequent with a 3 gal tank. I have done 3 changes and 4 top-offs in 2 weeks!!


Active Member
here on the box it says "Little tank, with the big tank feel." maybe the fish have the big tank feel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
Clown fish are like the most active fish. They always are swimming even at night. I think clownfish are VERY active
i mean swimming around wise, sure, they sit their and swim in teh same spot all the time, so they may be active, but they arent darting around a tank very much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
i mean swimming around wise, sure, they sit their and swim in teh same spot all the time, so they may be active, but they arent darting around a tank very much.
i agree. i have two clowns in my 40g and they sit in the same corner till they now i am about to feed. they probably use 25% of my tank through out the day.


Active Member
yeah, so atm i believe the clownfish is 'alright' although full grown it obviously wont be, but i also bet full grown it wont be in that tank anymore.


Originally Posted by nYgel
it wont be in that tank anymore.
Cause it'll be dead the first time there is a 1 liter evaporation and the salinity shoots through the roof!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Im not trashing your setup, I just see too many problems with putting a fish in my pico at work, and Im THERE 80% of the time I am awake!


Active Member
he survived one salinity spike when my girlfriend topped off with salt water. i can't remember the reading but it was high. everthing should be fine.


Active Member
how about this: i worry about my tank and the people who don't have positive things to say worry about theirs. All my girlfriend wanted was people to say how nice her tank looked and compliment it. Not that fish will out grow that tank or anything like that. Everybody on this forum already has an idea about fish size and tank size. Come on really, who thinks 240g's is big enough for 4 tangs anyways. To tell you the truth all tanks are prison cells, but we still keep the fish anyways, so just post positive things. i told her that people would like her tank and for a selected few this is true, but for the rest she is not very happy with you. The only question i had was about that algea stalk things.
TO everybody who complimented my G/F's tank thank you.


I COMPLETEY disagree that all tanks are prison cells. In fact, with the pollution in our oceans, especially in coastal areas, some of our tanks are the epitome of ideal. With the technology and know-how, we can create reefs that will grower faster and be more healthy than those in nature. Many small reef fish stay at the same reef over their entire lifespan. So I fail to see the difference. Especially with tank-bred fish.
Picos are controversial. Picos with multiple fish in them will get slammed all day long. You are lucky that most of the people at this site are tactful with their approach. On other sites I frequent, you would be criticized personally for putting multiple fish in that tank. Take away the substrate, LR, HOB filter, powerhead, heater and coral, and you have less than 1.75-2 gallons of water AT BEST. If half the fish die, and it is not caught overnight, it could be lights out for the entire mini-reef. What happens if you go away for 3 days and you have 1/2 gallon evaporate? What if you go away for 3 days and a fish dies? Most likely you killed everything.
It's unfair to post something this controversial and then say, "My girlfriend only wants nice things said about her tank." Because #1 she needs to understand why responsible reefers dont keep multiple fish in 2 gallons, and #2 she needs to understand why responsible reefers dont keep multiple fish in 2 gallons. I repeated this because there is HUGE downside to what you are doing, and you better prepare her for the reality of the situation, especially if she is ALREADY so sensitive about her reef. She must love it, which means she is going to be very upset if she loses it overnight.
The more of the cons she knows, the better she will be able to prevent potential problems.


Active Member
yes i will post some pics.
as for the prison cell. i am talking about fish not corals. there is a diffence. so you are saying a 6ft long fish tank is the same as the ocean. corals are fine, but some fish shouldn't be kept but do. we all say tangs need a lot of room to swim, right. but sometimes we put a crap load of rocks and what not in our tanks confining them. plus without that stuff in there i still don't think tanks are big enough so

it, do what ever you want is what i am saying. i will let you know the day these two fish die. its been almost 8months and it fine. you want to be negative you go right ahead. thats your choice, but don't post on my thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
yes i will post some pics.
as for the prison cell. i am talking about fish not corals. there is a diffence. so you are saying a 6ft long fish tank is the same as the ocean. corals are fine, but some fish shouldn't be kept but do. we all say tangs need a lot of room to swim, right. but sometimes we put a crap load of rocks and what not in our tanks confining them. plus without that stuff in there i still don't think tanks are big enough so

it, do what ever you want is what i am saying. i will let you know the day these two fish die. its been almost 8months and it fine. you want to be negative you go right ahead. thats your choice, but don't post on my thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
all i have to say is just let people enjoy their tanks!
Amen brother