Goby disappearing overnight


My orange diamond goby seemed sick lately, not eating much, hiding all day long. This morning I couldn't find him, same thing tonight. I look with a flash light in every caves he was usually hanging out as well as below rocks but still cannot see any traces of him!
Do you think it is possible he died last night and he was fully eaten overnight by the hermits crabs and bristtle worms? That is weird there is nothing left, isn't it?


i had a yellowwatchman goby was doing fine for a week eating and swimming he was perfect then he disapeared! i looked and looked for 3 weeks and nothing then out of the blue he popped up ate some mysis and went back into hiding i havent seen him since lol its been 3 months now lol


My lawnmower blenny did the same thing but the only thing different, is it never came back.
you might want look around harder and try to bribe it if not it may have died.
you might think u will get a corpse, but every fish that ever died in my tank dissapeared forever in about 5 minutes
not to scare you but it is a possibility or like elite said, might just be a real good hider


the only time mine disappeared I found it dried up on the floor....Check around outside of your tank


still no news from the goby.
I don't think he jump out because there are ledges around the tank to prevent that. However, if he did the cats most likely took care of the body!
he was sick lately, that's why I think he may have died...


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
If he did die in the tank, you could possibly have a small nitrate spike. You could check that.
I was worried about that too and tested but no N of any sorts. I was told that anyway it was impossible that such a small fish will spike my ammonia in my 75g (he was 2 inches long only). Fortunatly, all the other fish, coral and invert are doing well.


Active Member
Hmmm, well my guess would be either he jumped ship and you may not find him , he could be hiding or his body is in a place where you can't see it/could've been eaten.


Active Member
It is easy to lose a corpse in the tank...there are lots of cleaners - hermits, worms, pods, microbrittlestars, etc that will take care of it in a spot you probably can't see.


New Member
That happened to 1 of my gobies. He landed on the floor and the next morning, he was fish jerky. Sad to see em do a suicide like that. Never knew they were "jumpers". Needless to say, no more gobies for me!

small triggers

Active Member
My yellow watcman goby and my diamond goby planned a uprising and hid for 2 months,, seriously 2 MONTHS in the rock, then one day they were at the top of the tank beating up on my little marroon clown boy and stealing his food.


Originally Posted by daphne
My orange diamond goby seemed sick lately, not eating much, hiding all day long. This morning I couldn't find him, same thing tonight. I look with a flash light in every caves he was usually hanging out as well as below rocks but still cannot see any traces of him!
Do you think it is possible he died last night and he was fully eaten overnight by the hermits crabs and bristtle worms? That is weird there is nothing left, isn't it?
I dont know what else is in your tank, but one site I read said that large bristle stars may hunt at night and actually catch and eat fish while they are 'torpid' (I think that was the term, but you get the idea). Just a thought.