going to cycle with guppies


ok, i have read all the controversy, and am deciding to go with guppies for the cycle since they are non aggressive and easy for the fish i add to eat. Is there a particluar guppie that should be used? Male? Female? Both? Use the fancy ones?


Active Member
YOu can't be serious. I have never heard of that.
Guppies are fresh water, are you talking about cycling a salt water tank???


oh yea, and i only have a 1 gallon bucket to acclimate with.. how steady should the drip be? its about 2 drips per sec. now..


yes i have read about many people acclimating the guppies to salt water and they turn out just fine and live a long time, until they get ate.


Active Member
Guppies can be acclimated to saltwater. Cycling with fish is cruel! Why not just cycle the normal way, with a piece of shrimp and time?


You wanna start your cycle with guppies but you wanna acclimate them??
Don't bother, dead guppies will start your cycle also. But then again you could use a piece of shrimp, and all your other fish could eat that also if you decide to leave it in there.


i dont want to kill them, i have read many success stories where after the cycle they are happy as can be and live for years in your salt water tank... I dont want to start cycle with dead.. I know its controversial, and this is the route i am taking.. just want to make sure to acclimate them slow enough and want to know how long it should take and all...


Active Member
we already went through this......... my tank was already cycled before i put in the mollies your putting a guppy through complete hell if he survives he might end up with 3 eyes and legs..... then i get first bid
why waste your time....throw in a cocktail shrimp ..


Originally Posted by ecoman
i dont want to kill them, i have read many success stories where after the cycle they are happy as can be and live for years in your salt water tank... I dont want to start cycle with dead.. I know its controversial, and this is the route i am taking.. just want to make sure to acclimate them slow enough and want to know how long it should take and all...
You want to acclimate them properly then expose them to a lethal dose of ammonia, all the while knowing what your doing??
That's rich.

Why would you ask this board how to acclimate a fish, when the first and most important piece of advice you got, you paid no attention to?? Don't start a cycle with live fish, yet your going to anyway. Now you want us, the same people who tell you not to do that, tell you how to acclimate it, just for it to suffer in two weeks??
This is a joke thread right?? If it ain't then "acclimation" is taught in great detail over in the "acclimation" part of this sight. Over there on the left side of your screen.


they dont get into that sort of acclimation, obviously u cant read or havent clicked on it yourself!


They don't get into "drip acclimation"?? Is that what your saying?


they dont get into drip acclimation of tropical fish (the brackish type) such as guppies or mollies to make them able to use in your salt water tank


Freshwater fish absorb water through their skin, while salt water fish literally drink the water then pass the salt through their pee. While a guppy can be kept in saltwater, and your right it has been done, it will dehydrate the fish if done improperly. Osmosis shock it's called. The salt will literally pull the moisture from the fish and kill it if done to fast. SO... To answer your question, in order to properly acclimate a freshwater fish, and don't fool yourself they are not brackish, they are freshwater, but in order to do it properly, it should be done over a course of a few weeks not a drip. A drip will adjust the fish to PH, temp, salinity and chemistry changes. A drip, no matter how slow cannot be done properly to change a fish from fresh to salt water.
Your best bet, if you really wanna go this route is to set up a 10 dollar, 10 gallon tank from walmart with freshwater and add salt over the course of a week so the fish can acclimate slowly and without stress.
Or you can throw in 10 and hope one or two make it. Then again, if your that deturmined to cycle with fish that are nonaggressive and can be eaten, buy a baby clown fish.


many many many people still have the fish they cycled with, why is everyone so negative about this? You can buy a fish from a store, bring it home and it might just die, just because.. does that mean we shouldnt buy any fish because eventually having it in our tank is going to kill it? Should we lock down the doors of the lfs and protest? i mean come on now.. ALOT of fish go thru the cycling period and make it just fine.. I am not looking for an arguement, looking to do this the proper way.


Originally Posted by ecoman
many many many people still have the fish they cycled with, why is everyone so negative about this?
Is that a sincere question or are you trying to make a point?? If it is a sincere question, I will sincerely answer it. If you are trying to make a point, then point noted.


Active Member
Everyone is against it because it is cruel and painful for the fish. Some people cycle with fish without researching first but you have done your research and know that it is not recommended.


Originally Posted by ecoman
I am not looking for an arguement, looking to do this the proper way.
Then wait till after your cycle to try to adapt the fish to the salt if you are so determined. yes they may live yes they may become food for a more aggressive fish anyway does not make it right to torture any animal over the course of a cycle. Many have done the cycle with fish. with the best of intentions based on poof LFS advice. your just choosing to do it even after given the right advice.


Active Member
guppies can be in brckish water, but not full on SW salinity... this is obsurd...please post some evidence of this... IMO this is reckless,,,just throw in a coctail shrimp...


Active Member
Why would you want to put fresh water fish (especially a boring guppy) into a salt water tank?
Cycle with your rock or frozen shrimp.