going to cycle with guppies


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
guppies can be in brckish water, but not full on SW salinity... this is obsurd...please post some evidence of this... IMO this is reckless,,,just throw in a coctail shrimp...



You're not supposed to feed saltwater fish with freshwater fish anyway. You're spending more of your time typing these questions than if you just got yourself a cocktail shrimp and started your cycle. It's just one guppy anyway, if you're going to do then just do it and stop wasting everybody's time with this silly nonsense.


i asked a simple question and am still typing since it has not been answered..just argued against.
guess i will do my own experiment and probably kill these fish, instead of someone actually HELPING someone with a question.. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ecoman
i asked a simple question and am still typing since it has not been answered..just argued against.
guess i will do my own experiment and probably kill these fish, instead of someone actually HELPING someone with a question.. thanks
your question has been answered several times... do as you may, but the guppies will not survive... give us some evidence of guppies surviving salt water (other than brackish) and perhaps there will be a different response...


Cruilty to animals , any kind of animal is unacceptable!
If it where up to me your posts would have been deleted long ago!


and you would jail yourself for having fish in a tank too huh? is this a bunch of 10 year olds on this board or what.. time to move on.. many people ON THIS BOARD have guppies in their saltwater tank. enjoy the board, im done with it.. too much negativity, not enough help...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ecoman
and you would jail yourself for having fish in a tank too huh? is this a bunch of 10 year olds on this board or what.. time to move on.. many people ON THIS BOARD have guppies in their saltwater tank. enjoy the board, im done with it.. too much negativity, not enough help...
in a brackish tank... cmon post some evidence...


Are you serious?? I did answer it!! I told you to set up a 10 gallon and add salt over the course of at least a week!! A drip is not slow enough to acclimate a freshwater fish to a saltwater setup. Are you not even reading these responses??
ruaround, guppies and mollies can be acclimated to saltwater, above I mentioned how, maybe YOU will be able to read it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ecoman
and you would jail yourself for having fish in a tank too huh? is this a bunch of 10 year olds on this board or what.. time to move on.. many people ON THIS BOARD have guppies in their saltwater tank. enjoy the board, im done with it.. too much negativity, not enough help...

WE are the ones acting like ten year olds?


I swear a friend of mine has a guppy in his tank, I'll hafta call him to double check now cause...In this thread,
He says...
Ref to saltwater guppies, aint no such animal. I have long tried to acclimate them, it doesnt work. I have gotten females to half strength in good health, the males dont last. But the females will have fry that last longer then total freshwater fry in salt water. Other species like gambusia acclimate better. Mollies do the best, but, even though they acclimate to full marine the fry dont do as well as in freshwater. I have found tht its best to keep mollies in half strength marine water, get larger broods that way and when put in salt water the fry live. Guppies are a disappointment unless you keep them in half strength marine level salt. gambusia are a better choice. Even with them many males dont last as long.
What the fatty acid values are I dont have a clue, but, I also think that one or two a week wouldn't do harm.
Stanley Brown


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
ruaround, guppies and mollies can be acclimated to saltwater, above I mentioned how, maybe YOU will be able to read it.

I have read where mollies and PLECOS can be acclimated to saltwater...but not a guppy... all I have seen is that guppies can be in brackish water...


Ya know...some people out there just like to stir the pot and "fire for affect." I think this is a prime example...but why even try??? Go for the simple/proven cycle of adding the shrimp...then, later on, if you want to use a guppy for dinner...feel free to do so. There is no reason to WASTE a fish with some experiment...and basically, that's all this is...an experiment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ecoman
they dont get into drip acclimation of tropical fish (the brackish type) such as guppies or mollies to make them able to use in your salt water tank
Of course they dont get into it. This is a SALTWATER FISH site. You couldve paid $1 to get 1 raw shrimp from the supermarket but instead you paid for a FRESHWATER fish to put in a SALTWATER tank just to cycle it. Im sorry but this has got to be the most idiotic thread ive read on here yet. Good luck dude. Your gonna do well in this hobby.


Active Member
Just to chime in... I don't have a problem with cycling with fish. I've never heard of it being done with guppies but I think they would have less of a chance of surviving than a sw fish because they are already being housed in an unnatural environment for them. If cycling is done right as far as feeding, water changes, amount of fish, length of cycle, etc, it can be done without harming the fish. The comfort level is something I can't comment on b/c I am not the fish whisperer or dr. doolittle.
From an ethical standpoint, I don't have a problem with it either. Many people use feeder fish or shrimp to support their livestock (even when it's not necessary). Furthermore, many people with damsels would like nothing more than to be able to catch them just to toss them in the garbage. J/K but you get my point.
There are many reasons people cycle with fish but I think the most common is that people want some life in their tank... even when it's new. Also keep in mind that not all cycles are equal. Just tossing some cocktail shrimp or fish food does not assure that enough bacteria will be propogated to support the fish that are going to be added once the cycle is done.
I have cycled both ways and so have many here. Many of the experts still recommend damsels to cycle tanks. This is still a commonly acceptable way to cycle a tank. The fact is that of the thousands of people who view these boards, I'll bet at least half use damsels to cycle but they don't get involved in these debates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Look at his biography "I like to play GOD". Tells you what kind of a genius we are dealing with.



Active Member
Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Look at his biography "I like to play GOD". Tells you what kind of a genius we are dealing with.

hmmm... Joke thread I am sure now...
and crimzy


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
hmmm... Joke thread I am sure now...
and crimzy

Thx ruaround.
And one more thing. We should be careful of trying to impose our morals on others. People have the right to decide where they draw the lines. Otherwise, we should all be vegetarians who despise fur and join the PETA cruisade.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Thx ruaround.
And one more thing. We should be careful of trying to impose our morals on others. People have the right to decide where they draw the lines. Otherwise, we should all be vegetarians who despise fur and join the PETA cruisade.
I agree to an extent, but...if our fish looked like puppies, would we be so quick to be needlessly cruel. And it really is needless.
For me, my fishes are my pets so I try to be a responsible pet owner. Now my fur coat... I am also a responsible coat owner, but my "pet" rabbit wouldn't be my coat. (big grin smiley here, it don't work for me)