Active Member
personally i wouldnt try any experiments. but i guess if it works, let us know and maybe it will be an alternative to using damsels.. he is right, there is alot of negativity, and he even pointed out that he has read the controversey concerning this, and yet every feels the need to throw their opinion at him and their self beliefs. A tank CAN and HAS BEEN successfully started using fish to cycle the tank, and I wonder if it actually might be better then dead shrimp as the live fish create the waste that your system needs. It is very controversial, and I see alot of slamming up top. I dont think he was asking to get hit with the base ball bat everyone. I think he was wanting to experiment, but try it as properly as possible. I dont support such experiments but if he comes up with a cheaper, consistant way to cycle a tank, the more power to him. The first tank was a HUGE experiment and experiments continue everyday to try to breed new fish, etc. If you are still participating in the forum ecoman, let us know if it works or not.. For those who prefer to cycle using live fish, it could be an advance...