Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!



I would be interested in the following items:
50 lbs live rock
50 lbs live sand
Power Sweeps
Acura Heater
If the price is great I may be able to take some of the misc. off your hans also. Please email me with a price. I'm starting up a small tank for my Daughter's room.
email =


new to the saltwater world and don't have much equipment, just a 40w full spectrum bulb, and a wet/dry 60 gallon filter. I currently have a 45 gallon tank. Is there anything that I can use that would not make me go broke??:) email me at colorfulb@hotmail.com


Active Member
Hey I think you could piece out your system and get rid of all your stuff. Let us know.


· Solar 1000 timer (turns lights on/off slowly with the rise and fall of the sun) 280.00
· IceCap 660 ballast 180.00
· 4-48” VHO lights 80.00
· IceCap 4” temperature controlled fan (2) 45.00/90.00
· All wiring, ground plain, end caps, stand offs necessary 140.
What can you do for just the lighting package?
P.S. Also, what do you want for the yellow stripe Maroon Clowns, and the other 75 pounds of live rock?
Send me mail.:)


I will be coming to Lexington on the 26th of this month. Is the LR and LS still available? Also am interested in some stock. Let me know what is available.


Am still waiting to hear something from you. I will be leaving for Lexington this Thurs (10/24). Is anything still available?
i'm sorry i wasn't able to respond to you in a timely manner. i often work 16-18 hours a day, and the last couple of weeks have been like that, so i happen to place sleep as a priority over checking my e-mail. i still have the entire setup, but have been too busy to try to actively sell it. i'm sorry for any hard feelings. maybe we can still work something out for the future?


interested in any of the corals.
would also buy any branch live rock
would need box and heat pack and ship fedex:rolleyes:


Please e-mail me at KYRED1@aol.com. Sorry we missed getting connected while in Lexington last week. Will be back there again in Nov. Am still interested in quite a few items if still available.
I'd be interested in that !!! PCS sucks...I'm a Marine in VA. Let me know....if you get rid of everything and have some "stragglers", I'll probably go after those too.


Hey...If you still have anything left email me at deyoe757@yahoo.com and we can see what is going on. I live just south of Cincinnati so I will not mind the drive at all. If yoiu have offers on anything just let me know. Thanks and good luck. Josh:D
I've been pretty busy for the last couple months so I haven't been able to keep this current. But I still have the aquarium , and I still need to sell it. I would like to sell it whole if I can and those are the type of offers that I will consider first. my last option would be to piece it out if I have to.


Damm! If you weren't clear across the country! Very nice set-up. Shipping on the things I'd be interested in if you break it up would be prohibitive. 4 yr Marine myself, changing duty stations always sux. Especially now. My son is a Marine, and is stationed in the middle east for the duration. Best wishes to ya!