Hmm... well, I would not worry about not having anyone to care for them if you are gone. I fould plenty of friends that could follow directions when I deployed. As far as the power goes, if you life in housing all of the units have 110Volts, and if you happen to life on the economy, Transformers are a dime a dozen at the PX. Shipping - I sent my tank there and got it 60 days, and coming back it only took 45 days. 6 months is a little outrageous. I'm not sure why it took them so long when you went there. I had no problems. Livestock is actually a little cheaper there also (even when you take the Euro to the Dollar at 1:1). If you find a good LFS, they are more than willing to cut the prices if they know you will be a returning cutomer. Again, just trying to give you ideas, but I do speak from experience, so I know it can be done, and it is not quite the hassle you are thinking it is. =) Good luck my friend. Let me know if you need any info, or help before you head out there. Where are you getting stationed BTW?