Going to Germany MUST SELL!!!!!


Just out of curiousity, why not sell the inhabitants, and then take the tank with you? The military will ship it with your HH Goods. It seems that you have alot of people interested in what you have living in it. If you could get them new homes, then you can start again once you get to Deutschland. Just a thought. :)

reef fool

Active Member
· Solar 1000 timer (turns lights on/off slowly with the rise and fall of the sun) 280.00
· IceCap 660 ballast 180.00
· 4-48” VHO lights 80.00
· IceCap 4” temperature controlled fan (2) 45.00/90.00
· All wiring, ground plain, end caps, stand offs necessary 140.00
If you have the lighting setup, e-mail me at DFKovacs@hotmail.com. I am very interested! How much?
to Boomer D
yeah a PCS can be a pain, good luck to your son, I'm stuck here for the duration.
to Noon

I got rid of the 2 percula clowns this weekend, they needed a better home , the maroon clown tormented them. i also got rid of the 2 domino damsels (i didn't like their attitude).
other than that i've still got the whole set up.
to Pizzamiglio

I have several reasons not to take it with me, first i'm single so I don't have someone to care for it sould i be called away to someplace for an extended period of time. Second is the wattage differance, we use 110 volt power here in the U.S.A. and they use 220 volt power in Europe and as far as I know nothing I have is duel voltage. Third is selection and price of livestock, sure they've got some great stuff but the exchange rate between Dollars and the Euro isn't in my favor. Forth is the transportation time and there is no guarantee that I'll get a place big enough for it. it could take from 1 month to 6 months to get my stuff(it gets shipped over on a boat, and the last time I went to Germany it took 6 months). and last, right now i have friends in germany that have packed up everything they own and have it all stored in crates in a storage facility in preparation for deployment(they live out of 2 bags right now, and don't know for how much longer they will have to) i'd hate to get there and be in a similar situation. Plus I allready have plans to save up for another setup for when I come back from Germany.


Hmm... well, I would not worry about not having anyone to care for them if you are gone. I fould plenty of friends that could follow directions when I deployed. As far as the power goes, if you life in housing all of the units have 110Volts, and if you happen to life on the economy, Transformers are a dime a dozen at the PX. Shipping - I sent my tank there and got it 60 days, and coming back it only took 45 days. 6 months is a little outrageous. I'm not sure why it took them so long when you went there. I had no problems. Livestock is actually a little cheaper there also (even when you take the Euro to the Dollar at 1:1). If you find a good LFS, they are more than willing to cut the prices if they know you will be a returning cutomer. Again, just trying to give you ideas, but I do speak from experience, so I know it can be done, and it is not quite the hassle you are thinking it is. =) Good luck my friend. Let me know if you need any info, or help before you head out there. Where are you getting stationed BTW?