Going to stir the pot a little, Just saw a disturbing program on HBO regarding PETA!


Active Member
My view is to each his own, Im going to look at it in the simplest terms becasue I think maybe you can relate to it better. I feel we are Homo-Sapiens and God gave us canine teeth to rip and tear at meat and meat products, we DO NOT have teeth like a cow or deer which are made expressively for eating and chewing greens. That being said I am totally pro-choice, If you choose to eat meats, more power to you and If you are a vegetarian that is totaly your choice and I respect it 100% BUT do not try to impose your will, threaten or guilt trips on meat-eaters. Your opinions are understood and respected and We being meat eaters will not be intimidated or change our lifestyles, or stop eating turkey for ThanksGiving or Eat a hotdog or hamburger at a ballgame.
I am totaly in favor of Humane and ethical treatment of animals killed for human consumption on a large scale, and Would not tolerate any mistreatment of the animals during thier short lives and/or during the process leading up to thier slaughter.
I am totaly against animal testing of ANY SORT! I feel we are to smart for that and can find other ways than this.
A.L.F. or Animal Liberation Front: is a rogue, violent group, who break laws, use violence, tierany and threats to get their views across. There are accusations that this is a militant wing of PETA, but Peta strongly denies it. The U.S. Has labeled them a domestic TERRORIST group. I was shocked.
Whats your take?


Active Member
Yes, our eyes point forward and we have canine teeth...only seems logical we'd eat meat and how wonderful is that because there is nothing better then a really good steak or slab of ribs.
I agree that we should treat animals with respect prior to their slaughter. I find it hard to believe that an animal will produce qaulity meat, eggs or milk if they are unhappy and kept in less then adaquate conditions. I try not to eat baby anything, we buy true free-range chicken eggs and meat.
On a side note, does anyone else avoid the giant chicken parts at the grocery store? Seems to me as if these monster legs, thighs and breasts are flavorless.


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Whats your take?
For the most part, I completely agree with you. "I respect that YOU believe it, but don't ask me to care as much as you do."
But I am all for animal testing. well, I didn't used to be until I made it personal. and I wasn't biased, I made it personal even with my dog...
If a research co held up a syringe and said, "All data points that this medicine will heal/fix your son, but the mixture of ingredients has an unknown effect, possibly death, we can try it on your dog first if you wish..."
I love my dog but given those odds, I'd hafta put my puppy on the front line.
But yeah, animal rights, as well as religion, politics, even how to cook your turkey... If I ask, then I'm interested. If I don't, I really don't care for your take.
Kinda like me trying to push my SWF obsession on my relatives...haha. really, I try not to, but when they ask what I want for christmas, well, the topic comes up is all I'm saying...


Oh but did you see that rediculously stupid show that came on after???


Active Member
I agree that PETA has some good points about a lot of things, and I've tried several times to go vegetarian. My take on it is that we're evolved, we're intelligent, we're superior to all animals so we should act like it. There are enough products out there that can be substituted for meat, and as evolved creatures we should take advantage of that. Of course, putting it into practice sure isn't easy...especially when school systems, day care centers, and so many other places don't cater to vegetarians. It's also much more expensive to get the substitutions than the real thing, so when you're a single parent, making the switch is hard on the wallet.
As for the animal testing, and inhumane slaughterhouse practices, I'm surprised that it's still done, at least in the US. It boggles the mind that as intelligent as we (using that term broadly for the entire human race) are, we still resort to some of the most primitive mindsets about things like that. Of course, that, in itself, doesn't give cause to violence as a response. Violence begets violence, and if someone doesn't step in and put a stop to it, the cycle will continue. So, I'm definitely against this "terrorist" group.
But, this is just my opinion, so I hope it doesn't offend anyone.


Running through the same vein...Recently on Animal Planet, on 2 separate occasions, I have heard the person talking say something along the lines of, "We had better get out of here for our own personal safety, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, so we don't hurt the animal or its habitat in any way". People have their priorities backwards.


Active Member

Originally Posted by fishyCPA
Running through the same vein...Recently on Animal Planet, on 2 separate occasions, I have heard the person talking say something along the lines of, "We had better get out of here for our own personal safety, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, so we don't hurt the animal or its habitat in any way". People have their priorities backwards.
no joke.


Active Member
Well, what seems to be a pure DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO, is when you have the president of PETA on insulin because of her diabetes and yet feels that she is doing nothing wrong. Commercial Insulin is made from cows and pigs. Oh, but wait...she said she needs to take it so she can fight for the animals. whatever.....You are either all for it or all againts it...there is no in between. We have learned a lot from testing on animals versus testing on humans. Medicine would not be as advanced if it werent. As for eating nothing but vegetables. You do that and get your E.coli and I will eat my beef and enjoy my mad cow.


Active Member
PETA has been cramming trash down our throats for years! I am at the top of the food chain, I will eat meat untill the end. Animal testing, I am all for it, we have advanced so far in meds because of it. As far as slaughtering we no longer smash cows with sledgehammers so we are advanced now. Disturbing Caribou routes is a reason we don't drill in AK. Its time to take the animals down a peg, and know we are the strongest animal and our survival depends on their demise!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
PETA has been cramming trash down our throats for years! I am at the top of the food chain, I will eat meat untill the end. Animal testing, I am all for it, we have advanced so far in meds because of it. As far as slaughtering we no longer smash cows with sledgehammers so we are advanced now. Disturbing Caribou routes is a reason we don't drill in AK. Its time to take the animals down a peg, and know we are the strongest animal and our survival depends on their demise!
I hope your last sentence was a joke...take the animals down a peg? I didn't realize they were getting uppity on us? How exactly does our survival depend on their demise?
IMO, because we are sooo far advanced over anything else that walks the earth we have a responisbility to care for the enviroment and protect species. I am not anti hunting and feel that hunting prey animals whose populations are way out whack is a good thing and a good bonding experience. However, I'd prefer in areas that are acceptable to reintroduce natural preditors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
IMO, because we are sooo far advanced over anything else that walks the earth we have a responisbility to care for the enviroment and protect species. I am not anti hunting and feel that hunting prey animals whose populations are way out whack is a good thing and a good bonding experience. However, I'd prefer in areas that are acceptable to reintroduce natural preditors.
And once again I find myself agreeing 100% with Jmick.
Hunting for food is great. While I personally find no joy in shooting anything, I have no problem filling a cooler full of venison to bring home whenever I visit my parents at their ranch/deer lease.
I do draw the line though when hunters start talking about how prey animals need to be "controlled". Gee, no kidding... you've killed all of the wolves, coyotes, mountain lions and bears... of course there is an imbalance.


Active Member
i have a really good friend that just got a job with PETA... i told her that was great but dont talk to me about all your propaganda BS... i also asked her what she thought of PETA's new slogan and logo...

devil dog

Active Member
What has PETA said about the way fish are cared for?

I'm glad to see most of you think the same way I do... I watched that show last night to see if I could learn something about it and all it did was make me mad that the people in there could be that stupid. I can see have some thing out there to look for the Michael Vic's and stop them... but some people take things to fare...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I hope your last sentence was a joke...take the animals down a peg? I didn't realize they were getting uppity on us? How exactly does our survival depend on their demise?

Yeah, That did come out rather bad...After re-reading it, I see what you are saying..Sorry...Lets see how to word this the best way..
For example..The Caribou I mentioned..One of the reason we "cant" drill is that it might upset the migratory route of the animal..We as humans need more fuel..Trust me..The Cari. will find another route to take..I didnt mean the demise of all animals...Eat grass or other natural foods by all means..Got to have Protien..(Yes I know beans and the such have protien)...As mentioned before we as humans have Canine teeth..Designed to rip and tear..I have never seen cabbage that was tough enough to have to rip at..
Lets see...This is still not coming out right...
I an not saying I kill animals for fun or get a kick out of it...I think folks that do are sick..I do hunt..and hunt alot, But if I have enough meat in the fridge and freezer I stop hunting..Even if it is in Mid-Season..(Unless that Trophy Buck walks out) but then I will give the meat away..
"Don't kid yourself Billy, If a cow had a chance he would eat you and everyone you care about" Troy Mclure..(Simpsons Reference)


Active Member
groups like ALF and ELF are counterproductive to any sort of actual progress towards the protection of the earth or animal rights. they blow stuff up burn stuff down and vandalize.... they need to wake up that's terrorism and isnt going to make any actual progress towards protecting the environment. ELF has burned new constructions sites, vandalized entire hummer dealership stocks..... now what did that do except WASTE all the materials that were put into the construction and building of those projects and vehicles. basicly they are eco-nazis and should be dealt with like anyother terrorist should. one bullet to the head, send the bill for the bullet to their family.
people who neglect or otherwise abuse animals same thing.
hunting and eating, thats not abuse thats nature. animals do it (guess what? we are animals, our teeth prove we are omnivors)
I'm pretty much as much of a nature nut as there is. but I'm a realist. I support the ASPCA, and am a member of the NRA. one is not exclusive of the other. treating the earth and animals properly and with respect, isnt chewing the bark off trees because some dirtworshipper thinks no animal should ever be killed. its doing what you can to protect the environment, I recycle, I try not to waste energy/fuel, and so on. being consciencious about the impact your having, without becomeing some fern toteing wingnut.