Going to the lfs saturday to get a fish! What one though?


Active Member
10 minutes or even 10 hours before you go to purchase is not the time to "start" researching fish for your tank....
These things take time, and a good bit of thought as to your "long range" plans for the tank and fish..
look at the overall goal for the tank..and the "type" of inhabitants you want...then if you are able to meet their "needs" decide and plan out a "stocking order"...who get's added first, second etc...dur to size and territory issues...
Then once your firm on a particular species of fish, take your time to find a good "specimen" ...one that is healthy, and the correct size for your stocking order/tankmates...
Be carefull of "impulse" buying, or "switching tracks" just because they didn't have this but they had one of those...
and then coming on line and asking ...Will he fit...? Did I make a mistake..?(too late)...Will this mess up my future plans..?


Active Member
That's cool, and from what I've seen you've been thinking about/talking about getting one for a long time...
What I was getting at here is the "other" fish you may want to put in with him (once you get one)...
For example, you won't want to put in a 1" or 2" grouper with a 10" lion...(fits in his mouth) but could put one in with a 5" lion...or if the Lion does get to 10"...you'll need to look for a 5"6" or bigger grouper...
And some fish are more "territorial" than others and should be put in last...no matter "when" they might be available...
Just stuff to think about as part of your "research" and acquisition of new specimens...


Active Member
:joy: :cheer:
Guess what!? I was bored at work so i called up the lfs that i called this morning to see if they had any lionfish, this time a different guy picked up the phone and said, yeah we have one small red volitan lion. I was extremely surprised and happy! Now i have a small 3in volitan lion! :cheer: Its a long story so i made it short as possible


Active Member
AWESOME CARTMAN!! Post pics! Your story sounds "fishy." (not you, the store) I wonder why one employee would tell you no and another yes...weird.


Active Member
i will tell you the whole story now, Ok it was 9:55am (5 more min. till the store opens) so decide to call them up, a guy answers the phone and i ask him if he has any lionfish, there was a pause for about 30secs, then he said no we are all out of them. So i decide to call everywhere for a lionfish, i mean everywhere! Nothing. So i was really pissed of, so later on i go to work, i'm really bored there, but then something hit.....like something was really wrong, so i called the lfs back and another guy was on the phone, so i ask him if you have any lions in (the same lfs) he says "yup we have 1 red volitan". So leave work and go there and pick up the fish, its very very small too! I guess spiderman has his spidy-sense and i have my fish-sense! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
i will tell you the whole story now, Ok it was 9:55am (5 more min. till the store opens) so decide to call them up, a guy answers the phone and i ask him if he has any lionfish, there was a pause for about 30secs, then he said no we are all out of them. So i decide to call everywhere for a lionfish, i mean everywhere! Nothing. So i was really pissed of, so later on i go to work, i'm really bored there, but then something hit.....like something was really wrong, so i called the lfs back and another guy was on the phone, so i ask him if you have any lions in (the same lfs) he says "yup we have 1 red volitan". So leave work and go there and pick up the fish, its very very small too! I guess spiderman has his spidy-sense and i have my fish-sense! :joy:
Oh i forgot one thing, i ask the manager why the employee said they ran out of lions when i called them this morning, he told me becuase the lights weren't on


Active Member
Emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skimmer!!!!!!!!!!! Over Flowin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pulling Water From Tank!!!!!!!!!!