i will tell you the whole story now, Ok it was 9:55am (5 more min. till the store opens) so decide to call them up, a guy answers the phone and i ask him if he has any lionfish, there was a pause for about 30secs, then he said no we are all out of them. So i decide to call everywhere for a lionfish, i mean everywhere! Nothing. So i was really pissed of, so later on i go to work, i'm really bored there, but then something hit.....like something was really wrong, so i called the lfs back and another guy was on the phone, so i ask him if you have any lions in (the same lfs) he says "yup we have 1 red volitan". So leave work and go there and pick up the fish, its very very small too! I guess spiderman has his spidy-sense and i have my fish-sense! :joy: