Ok first let me give you my readings.
Nitrates = 10
Nitrites = 0
Ammonia = 0
PO4 = 0
CA = 520
alk = 9Dkh
Magnesium = 1500 + (little high)
20k XM MH 175w running for 8 hours daily
Millenium 2000 Hang on filter
Prizm Pro Deluxe Skimmer (no longer running algae was growing inside it and causing even worse hair algae)
Window beside the tank but light shines accross the room not directly on it. Wooden blines.
RO/DI 4 TDS water
1 Yellow Tang, 2 Percs, 1 Bicolor Blennie
15 Nassarius snails
7 Astrea
7 Cerith
5 Scarlett Hermits
3 Blue Leg Hermits
Ok thats about all I can think to tell ya about my tank. Here is my plan. I am going to start by doing a series of 10% water changes 1 per week. I was only doing 10% changes once every other month. I am going to start running my lighting 10 hours daily earlier so the daylight will not be lighting my tank for most of the day. I am going to run a phosphate sponge and nitrate sponge through my wet/dry. I am also going to mannually try and remove as much as the algae as I can. Do you think this will help. I swear the bloom started as soon as I started running a skimmer on my tank so I took it off. So I got a firm toothbrush and ready to scrub.
Here is my tank before the bloom.
Nitrates = 10
Nitrites = 0
Ammonia = 0
PO4 = 0
CA = 520
alk = 9Dkh
Magnesium = 1500 + (little high)
20k XM MH 175w running for 8 hours daily
Millenium 2000 Hang on filter
Prizm Pro Deluxe Skimmer (no longer running algae was growing inside it and causing even worse hair algae)
Window beside the tank but light shines accross the room not directly on it. Wooden blines.
RO/DI 4 TDS water
1 Yellow Tang, 2 Percs, 1 Bicolor Blennie
15 Nassarius snails
7 Astrea
7 Cerith
5 Scarlett Hermits
3 Blue Leg Hermits
Ok thats about all I can think to tell ya about my tank. Here is my plan. I am going to start by doing a series of 10% water changes 1 per week. I was only doing 10% changes once every other month. I am going to start running my lighting 10 hours daily earlier so the daylight will not be lighting my tank for most of the day. I am going to run a phosphate sponge and nitrate sponge through my wet/dry. I am also going to mannually try and remove as much as the algae as I can. Do you think this will help. I swear the bloom started as soon as I started running a skimmer on my tank so I took it off. So I got a firm toothbrush and ready to scrub.
Here is my tank before the bloom.