Gold Rim Tang


Active Member
Yes I searched it. I was wondering if I have enough room in a 95 for one? probably 5-6 smaller fish. 2 clowns, 2 green chromis, LMB, (unlikely) but blue spotted jawfish, Blue mandarin, gold rimmed tang. Would this work? It would be the last fish, and by that point the tank would be 8 months easily.


IDK...I just looked it says minimum tank 100G...gets up to 8"........
IMO I always add gallons to their minimums......LOL...I just realized...I'm no help on this one....

scott t

Active Member
I asked this of a few people many times for my 75 gal because some places say that it can go in a 70 gal or larger that goes for the Whitewcheek and Powder Brown. I was told and after much research I would say that they should not go into less that 125 gal tank. Due to the fact that they can get up to 8" they need lots of swimming room 6' of tank is what they need which the 75, 90 or even 95 offer.. In smaller tank as the grow and get acclimated to the tank they will become more aggressive even if they are the last fish added.. I would say that it is not a good Idea. You could do it but as soon as they get to be about ( I have been told) 4.5" long they really should have a 125 gal or larger tank..
Just my .02


Active Member
So meowzer has no clue
, and you say no, thanks. I will leave it at my LFS and bring a lawnchair there and sit and watch it.

scott t

Active Member
There you go. I just dont want you to be disappointed if you get it and it doesnt work out.. My 2 favorite tangs are the Powder Brown and the Whitecheek, I want one in my tank when it set it up so bad but I will wait until I can afford a Larger tank than the 75 that I will be setting up..


Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/381478/gold-rim-tang#post_3323328
So meowzer has no clue
, and you say no, thanks. I will leave it at my LFS and bring a lawnchair there and sit and watch it.

LOL...I'm sorry....I have a yellowtang, blue hippo...and sailfin in my be honest with you I could not imagine the SF or Blue in anything smaller....they are sooooo active
the yellow is active, but not as much, I think that is why they can survive in smaller (70-90) tanks...
tangs are said.....BUT i think you want a proper home for yours....or you would not have asked,,,,

bang guy

How long is a 95? It's not the gallons that affect Tang health, it's the length of the swim lane. The minimum may be listed as a 4' tank but doubling that is probably the comfort range. Minimums are strictly for survival. Think about how small an area you could survive in for 40 or 50 years, and then think about what you would be comfortable in for that long.


Active Member
okay, ya, the tank is 4' long. Well thats to bad. I will leave it at the fish store and watch it in their 300g

scott t

Active Member
They need the length to swim, I would say no they need at leas a 6' tank to be in 125 gal or bigger..