Gold Stripe Maroon Clown

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
You know Mr SWF Admin... I am noticing that your GS Maroon doesnt look as happy as mine too



its a "super pink" bubble tip rose. Its neon pink...very pretty! about $150.00 for them if they are small, a lil less then the size of the palm of your hand when fully opened. In that pic mine was about the size of a large hand from palm to fingertips if not larger.


Great picture!
I was surprised to see how much that anenome costs.. I had 2 rose bubble in my tank and 1 split but when it split the 2 new ones became that really bright pink color before they were a redish orange and now it split again so now i have 3 floresent pink ones and 1 regular. I love the picture though.