Here's the story: I first had a juvy gold stripe in my tank for about a year. Next I added a bulbble tip anenome(sp?). A few weeks after the anenome I added a larger second gold stripe. After the addition of the anenome the juvy paid no attention to it. After adding the second larger clown it went straight for the anenome. The two clownfish didn't notice each other very much the first few days because the big on was always in the anenome. After a week or so they began to hang out a little, sometimes nipping at each other, nothing too brutal. After a few days they were with each other at all times. They follow each around the tank during feeding time and both bring food back to their anenome, which is where they both coexist happily. The cool part about it is my anenome is dividing and there is a big one and a small one. They are both still attached. It is really cool to watch them share the anenome. My question is why do they both keep digging a hole in the sand around the anenome and the rock it is attached to? They fan their tails and blow the sand out of the way. I have about 6-8 inches of sand and they have gone down about 3 inches or more. They do this everyday. They even do it when I walk up to the tank like they are showing off. I think they might be pairing up which is what I am hoping but this is my first experience with a clown accepting an anenome and having more than one clown in the tank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Other stories would be nice too. Please everyone add your two cents. I never seem to get more than a handful of replies but I see many people have viewed my posting. Come on don't be shy, we can all learn together. It will help all of us out in the long run. Don't be discouraged if your new to the hobby and don't know much, just leave a story about any behavior you have noticed when keeping clowns. Thanks everyone, I hope you aren't asleep by the time you finish reading this so you can't post a reply!!!!