good beginner anemone?


I have a 55 gallon tank and i am looking to get some clownfish (false perculas most likely), but I am also going to have butterflyfish (black & white, the bannerfish type), and a tang or dwarf angel. Are there any anemones that are easy to take care of and don't require a lot of lighting that won't get eaten or eat these fish? I would really like my clownfish to take one up for a host. Thank you for your help.


My first suggestion would be to get 1 year of experience with reef tanks under your belt. (thats no joke)
My anemone suggestion is a BTA = Bubble tip anemone, but only if you have sufficiant lighting to keep it alive. Only if you have the time to maintain your tank and keep it within proper paramiters.


You opened a can of worms with that one...or you may have. I have read many times that 4-5 watts per gallon is a rule of thumb.....not a rule, a rule of thumb. It depends on the depth of the tank and such. I currently have a Haitian Anenome and a Rose Bubble Tip Anenome in a 29 gallon under a 130watt power compact fixture. Although I have only had them for a couple of months, they seem to be doing very well. One thing you are going to find is that you are going to get a LOT of opinions, some more educated and experienced than others. Mine would be the opinion of a relative neophyte, so if you take most peoples opinions with a grain of salt.....take mine with half of one.


do false perculas do well with bta? Also will a bta affect my dwarf angel or tang or even my firefish?



Originally posted by aqua39
do false perculas do well with bta?

Originally posted by aqua39

Also will a bta affect my dwarf angel or tang or even my firefish?

aqua, where at in OR are you from? only reason i ask is there is a local group of reefers from WA and OR that meet every month to trade and talk about reefing. you can email me at if you want to learn more about it, i cant post the link here, rules.
as far as the lighting goes, with it being a 55g, im sure its a 4ft long one right? i wouldnt use anything less then duel 250w MH. i speak from exp., we used to have one in a 55g under 2-96w PC's and it did fine for alittle while, but after about a month or less it was bleached bad. also in our 29g we have a RBTA under the same duel 96w PC's, and it is doing great. also do as thomas said and wait and research ALOT. make sure you know what your getting into before buying one, they can be hard to take care of if you dont know what your doing. and try doing a search on it in the reef forums, it will give you lots of info. gl

bang guy


Originally posted by aqua39
How much lighting will I need for a bta?

It's great that you're planning in advance. So few new hobbiests do that.
There are various opinion on the needs of BTA. Most will agree that a 250 watt DE MH will always be enough light for a BTA in a 55.
I believe Rose Bubble Tips are the easiest BTA.
I also agree that you should get a good year of reefkeeping under your belt.


Active Member
I if you don't want to spend the money on metal halides then get vho's. I would get an icecap 660 ballast with 4 110 watt bulbs. I would get this setup and you could do a lo of corals with that light. Still wait a year so you can get some experience and your tank will be nice and mature.


aqua, where at in OR are you from?
I'm from Portland. I would love some more info on that meeting. I'll have to email you.
I would get an icecap 660 ballast with 4 110 watt bulbs
How much would this setup most likely cost?
Thanks for the help!


I'm gunna go the other way, If you have strong light and a DSB i'm gunna say LTA are a hardier choice....My LTA surived bettter then my RBTA under my PC, LTA IMO look alot better then BTA simply becasue the BTA loose the bubbles and look like LTA. I piced the LTA becasue it survived under PC instead of MH.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Similar. Rose Anemone are slightly more forgiving IMO.

thans 4 reply,read most of ur posts.very informitveimo.if i had 4x48"4x110 vho 440 +2x96 36"pc192w tot 632w or 48" 4x65ps260 +2x96 36"pc192 tot452w in a 140g 62x24x22, heat/evap. pc/vho..... bulb life pc/vho?

bang guy

Have you considered six 5' VHO's? You'd need two Icecap 660's to run them.
do you already have some ballasts?



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Have you considered six 5' VHO's? You'd need two Icecap 660's to run them.
do you already have some ballasts?

no i hadn't thought of that, only have room for 4 48" 2 36". how many watts r 36" vho? i have a das tank, so it has three pannel covers (hood), enuff room 3" aabove water, for tuubes and end caps. moonlight/actinics on timer? heat due to being enclosed? evap? temp rise? at least at top section of tank? two ic660 ballasts or 660 +? could do 4 5', 2 36" tot watts/wpg?


4- 60"vho 140/per =560w... 2 36" vho 95/per=190w...totw750 vho. with this set up what kind of coral/anenomes...metallic/neon grn bta??? wood not work. 140 gal. 5.3w/pg.



Originally posted by saltydave
4- 60"vho 140/per =560w... 2 36" vho 95/per=190w...totw750 vho. with this set up what kind of coral/anenomes...metallic/neon grn bta??? wood not work. 140 gal. 5.3w/pg.

what about heat issues :
.and evap w these lites being enclosed