I am thinking about getting a clam. What is a good beginner clam? I have a 45G FOWLR with 2 clowns, a serpent star and some blue legged hermits. Been up and running for a year now.
as said above...it depends on your lighting...but if you were to get a clam i would recomend a t. derasa for a beginner...they are a fairly heardy clam...
I'm not trying to hi jack here but my question is sorta related. Is there some kind of "rule" for how long you should have your tank established before getting a clam?
Originally Posted by nycbob http:///forum/post/3113752
what kind of lighting do u hv? all tridacna clams need good amount of lights to do well, with squamosa and derasa needing less.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs.O http:///forum/post/3114950
I'm not trying to hi jack here but my question is sorta related. Is there some kind of "rule" for how long you should have your tank established before getting a clam?
6 months is a good rule of thumb
Originally Posted by ivycharlaine http:///forum/post/3116484
actually i don't have any special lighting. I just have the lighting that came with the tank when i got it
Most likely you are going to need T5s or MH lighting to keep a clam.
Originally Posted by ivycharlaine http:///forum/post/3116484
actually i don't have any special lighting. I just have the lighting that came with the tank when i got it
Any clam you get (other than cleaner clams) will die under these conditions. Sorry