Good Marine Book suggestions?


New Member
Hello out there I am going to the LFS tonight and am wondering if anyone can suggest some well rounded books to help me out. I am mostly into keeping fish and some of the more easy and basic corals. Nothing super special but enough to keep me interested.


Active Member
No prob...
We should get that thread stickied for everyone to find easily. There are a couple other threads on books, but Cranberry covered it very well with her list.


Active Member
Both great suggestions! Avoid, at all costs, "*****'S Guide to Saltwater Fishkeeping" (sub-titled: "Hey, we didn't say keeping them ALIVE".)


New Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Both great suggestions! Avoid, at all costs, "*****'S Guide to Saltwater Fishkeeping" (sub-titled: "Hey, we didn't say keeping them ALIVE".)
Good to know that is the only saltwater place close to me. Thanks for the heads up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrbarker
Good thing I am not trying to raise one of those in my tank I would be in some trouble! My tank is way to small for them!

You could expect a high survival rate...U.S. Marines are tougher than woodpecker lips!