Good or bad?


I have had a recent explosion of little snails in my tank. They seem to have a white shell with brown stripes. I see them during the day, but looking at night is when I see the most of them out and about. I have turbos, margaritas, astreas, and some nassarius (sp?) snails in the tank and these little ones look nothing like any of those. So, are they good or bad?

bang guy

None of the Snails you mentioned are likely to reproduce in a captive environment. How large are these tiny snails? Do they resemble grains of rice?


I have tons of little snails multiplying in my tank. The only snails I have ever added intentionally are astreas, queen and fighting conch. It appears as if the grow on the back of the tank and under rocks out of the light. I have lots of small white pods, or eggs all over where the sun don't shine.


I have the same thing, about the size of a grain of rice, with brownish elongated shells. Only snails I have are turbos.


Bang Guy - Yes, I guess you could say they look like a grain of rice. Once they get a little larger than that they tend to become rounder instead of as oblong. They tend to be really small, with the largest of them about the size of a pencil eraser. The smaller ones are maybe half that size. Good or bad in your opinion? If they are bad I'm in trouble because they are all over once the lights go out.

bang guy

I suggest you closely watch their feeding habits. They sound a little like Nerite or a small Cerith species. At first I was worried about them being Pyramidillidae (sp???) but I don't believe that's the case.
If they eat diatoms then congrats.... just watch them closely until you know what they eat.


I've been watching them for awhile now. They tend to go all over, on the rocks and the glass. Last night they were all over the rocks, and there were three on my toadstool leather. I watched them for about a half hour and they didn't do anything bad to it that I could tell. The toadstool looks good as usual today, but it still worried me that they were on it. Normally they don't go on any of my corals, not that I have seen anyway.