Good setup???


Active Member
Well if its for a 180 then I would get like a 20 or 30 gallon sump and a 30 or 40 gallon fuge. "but thats just me"
Pre packaged live sand IMO is way overrated and over priced! I would get base sand and then get 1 package of live sand to go with it and get some live sand from a local reefer or instead of getting the pre packaged live sand the sand from a local reefer get the base sand and sand from this site. The sand from this site has all the goodies in it "diffrent types of living creatures not "just" bacteria.


hey whaa...? thats a great avatar. imo I would spend the extra money on a cpr bak pak skimmer. They run about $120-$140. you probably could find a good deal at ----.


Active Member
That is the good stuff you can also get caribsea sand they have many types and there not to badly priced either. I would do that I would get aragonite sand around 40 to 60 or even 80 lbs "that is for my 55 gallon more for bigger and less for smaller tanks" and get around 20 lbs of live sand and get a cup or so full of live sand from one of there tanks that has live rock and stuff in it.


omfg school just dragged on forever couljdnt wait to come home and talk to my fellow hobbiests and other stuff but i think i found great lighting sustem that is 20 watts short of 3 watts per gallon is that good enough?


so ever since i got a pair of firefish, i havent seen the goby lately? i think they took his hole!!!! the only time i see him is when both firefish are out, feeding time! the other one is out all the time( the mean one) but he doesnt have a goby. but any way if u can try to get more watts per gal. i was at 4wpg, now im at6.3. and wow what a differnce!!!!! 180 is deep so i hope their mh?


Active Member
I would go with metal halides on a big tank like that. I would get 3 175watts or 3 250 watt lights it will give you all the lighting you need and will be the cheaper way to go. To get that good amount of lighting you would need alot of T5, PC, or VHO.
Im going to have around 8 watts per gallon when im done so that shows you need to get as mutch as you can afford if you cant afford it then save up and buy metal halides. On a tank that big that is the only way I would go.


im getting a metal halide that can hold 768 watts in it!!!!!!!!
but it comes with brand new lights 520 watts
(only $200)


the classifieds dont go lookin for it i claimed it!

also im getting a bad-ass cleaning crew:
the 100+ gallon set (from LWS)
50 zebra hermits(from LWS)
2 cleaner shrimp(from LFS)
2 fire shrimp(from LFS)


is this cleaning crew to big for a 180 can i put it in all at once without disturbing the bio-load?
50 scarlet hermits
50 blueleg hermits
50 zebra hermits
50 turbo snails
10 nasssarius snails
10 emerald crabs
5 peppermint shrimp
3 feather dusters
2 fire shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
2 brittle stars
1 coral banded shrimp
are those all safe together and yea that question out there:thinking:


Active Member
I dont know that seems pretty big 150 hermits!!! turbo snails fall off the glass and get stuck and everything els eats them when they do.


Active Member
I bought 10 hermits with my cleanup crew and I have 10 hermits still. They have grown quite a bit and are getting to be pretty big. I would say 30 to 50 would be plenty for a 90 gallon tank.