Good Starter fish?


what if i buy just one damsel, i dont think my LFS sells chromis , and all i really want the fish for is to see if it can survive in my tank because my tank is cycling completely different then mostly everyone elses

bang guy

In my experience the best starter fish are Damsels, specifically, a young pair of tank raised Clownfish.
Make sure you quaranteen all new fish and observe them for signs of Ick or Brook.


Originally Posted by parker171
All i really want the fish for is to see if it can survive in my tank because my tank is cycling completely different then mostly everyone elses

Well in that case, that will be fine but a word of advice- do not have any LR or obstructions in the tank that way the removal of tha damsel will be simple and pain free!


Active Member
Don't buy a fish just to see if it will live or not. Check your water parameters and make sure they are ok. If they are then a fish should be fine. The longnose butterfly is a bit ambitious for a 20g tank. IMO if you want clowns get a pair see how they do. Wait a month. If they are fine then you can get MAYBE 1 more fish


my water params have been fine for 2 weeks now I just dont want to waste money on an expensive fish like i did on the butterfly and have it die thats why i want the cheapest fish just incase


Active Member
Well you can do the cheapest or whats best for your tank.... I noticed you also have 2 serpent stars in the tank....that could be part of the problem


I have a clown, a bangaii cardinal, and a sixline wrasse
all are hardy and pretty fish!
i had a purple pseudo and even he was agressive enough that i had to remove him and i had to take out everything in my tank and he was still a pain to catch
good luck but i love my percula clown!!


Active Member
only reason i suggest not getting a firefish is they are jumpers. in such a shallow tank they may not feel comfey enough and may jump out.
same go for jawfish