Goodnight Everybody



Ohh, ooohh, here's another good jim carrey one:
Ace Ventura: How can I be getting zis vork done mit all de shouting? What's wrong mit de shouting?
Reporter: Who's That?
Ace Ventura: Heinz Getwellvet. I am trainer of dolphins. You want to talk to de dolphin, you talk to me.
Reporter: What happened to the other trainer?
Ace Ventura: Vat happened to him? Vat happened to me? Seven years I am mit Siegfried.
(he holds up only four fingers)
Ace Ventura: Ve are making de dolphins disappear, und den Roy is coming mit de vite tiger und ze shtuffing in de pants und den I'm gone.
Reporter: Where is Snowflake?
Ace Ventura: Why do you care about de dolphin? Do you know him? Does he call you at home? Do you have a dorsal fin? To train ze dolphin you must zink like ze dolphin! You must be getting inside ze dolphin's head und communicating. I am saying to Snowflake, "Kay kay kay kay?" und he is saying "Kay kay" und he is up on ze tail "Eeeeeeeeee!" und you can quote him!
Roger Podacter: Let's got to that conference and let, uh, Heinz do his work?
Ace Ventura: Go to de conference, go to it.
LMAO i love that movie!!!




Dumb and Dumber
Harry: We searched for jobs all day , I can beleive it there is nothing in this town zip zilch notta
Lloyd: yeah .....unless you wanna work 40 hours a week -


yeah... i really wanted to watch that movie today, after reading all of these posts... I realized I DON'T HAVE IT... so i went out and bought it!!! lol
