gorgonian ?


What are the requirements for keeping a gorgonian? My lfs has some nice ones in that would add some color to my tank. Do they grow fast and take over a tank or what? Someone let me know about them.

nm reef

Active Member
Basically there are two types...some require lighting and some do not ... the type that is not photosynthetic is much easier to keep long term....those that are dependant on lighting are much more difficult. first you'd need to know which type your LFS has available then work from there.
I've kept a non-photo type for about 2 years now and its done great. Its suffering a little now due to limited space and damage from a frogspawn...but eventually it'll have much more room.:cool:


The LFS has one like the gorgonian on this website is this the kind you are talking about? They also have a reddish orange one too.
And do they grow rapidly?

bang guy


Originally posted by NM reef
the type that is not photosynthetic is much easier to keep long term

I heard the opposite. I'm not in a position to know but I'm just making sure you didn't have a typo.
Learn new stuff everyday, this place is great!


All I know is algea growth on them is bad news. I had one requiring photosythesis, and I didn't have a sufficient way to keep algea growth off it. Which lead to it meeting its maker, if gorgonians meet their maker.
I have some gorgo's like your talking about and some light colored ones. I've always heard for gorgo's if they are bright colored already they don't require much light. If they are light colored they need more light. I'm no expert and have only had mine for a month or so, but this is the info I have and used for placement in my tank. They add a lot of color the red/orange one and seem happy to me. HTH