Got bored, updated pics from tonite...


Active Member
I will check my mail a second, and if u wanna make the drive, u can have the tank and stand for 100 bucks or whatever.


Active Member
Well, right now I am turning the dry sand into live in a rubbermaid container, so probably this coming Saturday. I am also putting MORE rock in. 40 pounds actually.


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
For the 150, I will either use Live Sand or I might do a barebottom.
y bare bottom.... not criticizing but jw


Active Member
Well, I am going to have a HUGE fuge ( so basically I would only be able to have about a 1 inch sand bed because I would be using miracle mud in the fuge. So really, the sand would just be for decoration in that tank, and it would just trap stuff (not really, I would have sand stirrers) but it would be a full SPS tank, so IDK. I am still debating.


Originally Posted by Space_Geek
I am still debating whether or not to make the 55 of mine right now a BB...not sure yet.
do the moon sand


Active Member
Okay, give me a minute and Iwill check my mail, I also have to restart my computer because it is being slow so gimmie a minute and dont leave!


Active Member
Could I do the arag-alive indo pacific black sand? I dont want the moon sand because it doesnt buffer PH, so my PH would always be dangerously low. Here's a pic, it looks like crushed coral in the pic kind of but according to the site run by two drs it is extra fine.


Active Member
oooooo, i posted the wrong pic...thats my yorkie that passed away a few years ago...he had liver cancer.
Here's the right pic...


Active Member
hey, i have a few suggestions for your sand. i would go with Black Tahitian Moon sand, it looks really good in tanks. I would also KEEP the black backround. It makes your tank seem bigger with black sand because you cant tell where the sand ends and the backround starts. hope this helps.
also, i love the hippo


Active Member
I want a HIppo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.
Ok how in the heck is a 13 year able to afford this tank???? :notsure:
Cause I am 33 and going broke keeping my tanks up!


Active Member
i have a 6 inch hippo
im 14, and how do i have the money to keep up my reef? the answer is........daddy. lol