Originally Posted by JayC
Al yea it seems like everytime I get on here you have a new user name, lol. What all do u plan to put in this 150 your getting?
Well, first I was Pitbull01, and you know the story on that one, I got the boot. Then I was DevilDog01-this was when Vietboi got mad at me and he knew my password (long story, needed help w/avatar) and he got ticked and changed my password and put my location as gayville, etc, then I was Adam747, and for some reason, that one doesnt work anymore, and now I am Space_Geek. Well, I am not 100% sure what I want to put in the 150. I know I want a zebra angel and a moorish idol. (dont yell, LFS has them a LOT already eating) I am not really sure what else. Everything that is currently in the 55 will go in the 150. Any ideas for what I should put in the 150?