Got bored, updated pics from tonite...


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
i have a 6 inch hippo
im 14, and how do i have the money to keep up my reef? the answer is........daddy. lol

Is he willing to adopt a 33 year????


Active Member
lol, that hippo looks great Adam!! So your going to get a 150? You SUCK!! lol jk, I sure wish I had that kinda money!!


Active Member
Al yea it seems like everytime I get on here you have a new user name, lol. What all do u plan to put in this 150 your getting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Either that Hippo is Super small or that shrimp weighs 10 lbs. Nice pics.
Thanks Barry!! That shrimp weighs 10 pounds...the hippo is pretty small too though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
hey, i have a few suggestions for your sand. i would go with Black Tahitian Moon sand, it looks really good in tanks. I would also KEEP the black backround. It makes your tank seem bigger with black sand because you cant tell where the sand ends and the backround starts. hope this helps.
also, i love the hippo
Email me I need to know where I can get this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I want a HIppo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.
Ok how in the heck is a 13 year able to afford this tank???? :notsure:
Cause I am 33 and going broke keeping my tanks up!
two words: paper route.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Al yea it seems like everytime I get on here you have a new user name, lol. What all do u plan to put in this 150 your getting?
Well, first I was Pitbull01, and you know the story on that one, I got the boot. Then I was DevilDog01-this was when Vietboi got mad at me and he knew my password (long story, needed help w/avatar) and he got ticked and changed my password and put my location as gayville, etc, then I was Adam747, and for some reason, that one doesnt work anymore, and now I am Space_Geek. Well, I am not 100% sure what I want to put in the 150. I know I want a zebra angel and a moorish idol. (dont yell, LFS has them a LOT already eating) I am not really sure what else. Everything that is currently in the 55 will go in the 150. Any ideas for what I should put in the 150?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
He only has to take care of me when I need something for my tank!

Hmm....I will adopt you if you do my homework!!


Active Member
Thats kind of what I was thinking. I also want a school of green chromis and a couple of anthias. Maybe some other small stuff, I dont know yet. I am going to have a large sump/fuge so, well, yeah.


Active Member
I read your getting a new lights. Cool!! But if your going to be setting up a 150 soon should'nt you just save the money and buy lights that would fit your 150. Just curious.


Active Member
Well, the 150 wont be cycled for about a year and a half yet, plus I am getting the 4 footer 150. 48x24x30. So, the fixture I am getting for the 55 will be supplemental for the 150.


Active Member
ol... I didnt know that it would be the same length as your 55. That will work out good then. What all does the light have? Whats the wattages? The only thing is most tangs full grown need a 6ft or longer tank. So that rules out some tangs. Now you'll have some room to build your rocks out.


Active Member
Well, for the 150 I will have 2 400 watt SE MH 20,000k lights, plus the lights that are going on the 55 (542 watt) it has two double ended metal halides and power compacts (not sure how many-too lazy to look) I understand that people say tangs need 6 ft of swimming space but look at Junkiebeas's tank!! He has a NASO in his 55! I cant wait to do my rockwork for it...I think I am going to go with the canyon look.


Active Member
sounds like you'll have a awesome lighting system. I see what your saying. But I dont agree with keeping a naso in a 55. IMO Yellow, purple, and kole, and a few other tangs would do fine in most 4ft tanks. You might could get by with a naso or hippoin a 4ft tank for awhile, but they would evenually get to big and not be very happy. But like my lfs friend told me, just buy them small and enjoy them for as long as you can. Where are you going to buy your tank from?