Got corals to trade?


Active Member
I've got a few of my rarities I can frag if anybody is interested.
Superman monti- the original superman traceable to John Susbilla, aka Tubs.
Frags are at least 1/2" to 1" depending on what's put on the table. I've got a few already cut.
Mother colony

Tub's blue zoos, traceable back to John. In my avatar

Dendrophyllia coccinea

Tyree Pink Polyp Cap- any size frag

Green Polyp Toadstool - about 1" frags

I'm looking for anything rare/uncommon/exotic/unusual etc. you get the idea, but nothing common plz. Let me know what you've got (with a pic) and what you're interested in. Thx!


Active Member
interested in the blue zoos and the superman monti. im sure you have alot of corals but the only thing i have that you might want would be blue colored candycane. let me know


Active Member
I've got some high quality Chaeto Algae I'll trade ya! Also, some pink encrusting goniporia. :hilarious
Viper, those are beautiful!


Active Member
got some pink with blue tip millies and some validia i can trade.
also have some purple digi which isnt as common as the green and orange (also have both those colors)
and i have a larry jackson acro frag that put down a quarter size base. i went to relocate it and the frag broke off so i have a nice healthy quarter size base thats gunna start shooting up branhces soon(i can tell
let me know if your interested.


Active Member
lol that might take a heck of a lot of chaeto to make an even trade!
Thanks teen but I'm not really interested in those.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
lol that might take a heck of a lot of chaeto to make an even trade!
It's my own secret farm raised Chaeto. Early tests suggest it pulls out
500%* more nutrients than other chaeto!
*Tests +/- 500% accuracy...

ledzep fan

Active Member
Will you take cash? I am still gathering corals. I'm interested in the SuperMan Monti. How fast do they grow???


Active Member
hey viper
i wanna trade~~!!!!!

whatcha want?? steve elias cali blue tort

not named but still cool....
super green milli... and my rare blue and pink milli

this very intense tri-color

let me know

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey Murph would you except cash? I really like the tri-color, how much would you want for it too? Do they grow fast?


Active Member
Umm, Murph and Viper....
I'm sorry guys, but due to people offering you cash for your corals I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate them. I'll email you my address... Now, get to shipping while I deal with Eagle
and Led Zep

Just a reminder to you goofballs that can't read rules (and have subsequently offered cash here) this is a TRADE forum. Out of respect to SWF you are NOT allowed to buy corals


Active Member
lol hey 1journeyman ill send u the corals and u can inspect them and see if they are worthy or not lol
Viper u do have alot of nice things i have some decent things but nothing LE like u other than my cali tort
but i can show u some pics of things and maybe if i give u big enough frags ull send me some of ur smaller LE frags lol
close up of my blue/pink milli or prostata its mixed around some tips blue some pink some coralites pink some blue really nice in person

some more common eye candy if u want some larger frags lol sory viper just tryin here



I'd love to have blue zoos! They're gorgeous! I have some blastos I picked up last week. I haven't really seen this color around too much (and I've looked everywhere online trying to find out what it's called), so it might be rare. Either that or everyone but me thinks it's ugly and that's why nobody has it! Pics are taken under stock Biocube PCs and actinics.
Also, I've never fragged blastos before. If they're relatively easy, I'd be willing to try it. But if it's difficult and my frag would have a very low chance of survival, well, I guess I'll just admire your blue zoos from afar!



Active Member
ill trade u my blues for urs viper

hey viper BTW how blue are your tubs zoo's mine lost alot of color in the beggining but now have been slowly coming back it seems like these ones like more of a indirect shaded light as compared to strong direct lighting