Got started today...


New Member
After reading and reading and reading some more we have decided to convert my 37 gallon eclipse to a f/o saltwater tank..
I have about of crushed coral that i just put in it.. I am going to try to run the filter thats on it unless i have to change it.. I also bought a 300 gph powerhead.. I am going to let the water get clear and check on my saltinity level. I want to add some rock to it later..Going to add some raw shrimp monday.. Does this sound like its going to get the job done?


You may want to re-think the crushed will be limited on certain fish and inverts, and from what I READ, it holds detrius and such creating nitrate issues
I would get the Live rock now, and this way you do your initial cycle all at once. What type filter do you have? should be okay as long as you cleaned it well
AND WELCOME TO SWF and the best money pit hobby in the world...LOL


New Member
the crushed coral is what the guy at the pet store sugested...The filter is the one bio wheel that came with it... as far fish im thinking probably a pair of clowns a choc chip star and maybe a horseshoe crab.. my wife wants to do a nemo tank but im fighing her..


well tell your wife that the movie Nemo was not realistic and many of those fish can not even be kept in home aquariums (that should help you out)
a horsehoe crab gets really big and IMO should be left on the beach, and should never be added to a 37G....a chocolate chip star is okay if you never plan on doing corals, and ONLY after the tank is a minimum of 6 months old...
IMO sand is a much better substrate


Active Member
Welcome to SWF, I agree 100% with Meowzer. If you haven't done so, read the recommended threads in the new hobbyists section.


New Member
i have read threw them a few times.. didnt see where the crushed coral was a bad idea.. so looks lke a trip to the fish store to get some sand... What should i look for in live rocks?


Originally Posted by jamrens http:///forum/thread/383194/got-started-today#post_3349625
i have read threw them a few times.. didnt see where the crushed coral was a bad idea.. so looks lke a trip to the fish store to get some sand... What should i look for in live rocks?
I don't think the new hobbyist threads address CC.....It should though
anyway....think about how you want your aquascaping to look....try to pick out rock that is easily stacked...will allow caves, shelves (if you want corals) you also do not need 100% live can get 80% base, and 20% live to seed the base
sane with sand.....80% dry to 20% live


New Member
I think that im not going to at corals.. What fish should i look into as a i going to be crap out of luck if i keep the cc? thanks again..


Moderator won't be out of just takes more maintenance from what I understand
as far as fish go.....a couple of clowns, maybe a firefish goby......there are others too...


Active Member

sand is the way to go.
meowser is right nemo ?is that the hippo?if so he needs a bigger tank for i doubt you are setting up a qt right?might want to read up on a qt for new fish so you dont add a disease when you add a new fish.its more work and money but the chance of putting a new fish with ich or something else eventually is 100% imo.
if you are doing small fish 1-2 inches a 10 gallon qt would will save you alot of headaches later.


New Member
Can any body help?? I have some questions on water softner use in the aquariums??
please message me??


come on, the only fish that shoudlnt have been in that dentists tank was Gill the moorish idol, and Gloat the puffer.
If you have a decent sized tank the rest of those fish, starfish and shrimp are all decent tankmates (as long as Deb doesnt get out of control talking to flo)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jstdv8 http:///forum/thread/383194/got-started-today#post_3349673
come on, the only fish that shoudlnt have been in that dentists tank was Gill the moorish idol, and Gloat the puffer.
If you have a decent sized tank the rest of those fish, starfish and shrimp are all decent tankmates (as long as Deb doesnt get out of control talking to flo)
Who are deb and flo?
To the OP: Do not plan on getting any sandsifters, the reason is due to the CC. Sandsifters cannot sift this and will be prone to getting sick before they meet their untimely demise.


Deb is the striped damsel, and Flo is her "Sister" that she sees in the reflection in the glass


Active Member
sounds like someone has kids and watched the movie more than you know when that movie came out alot of new people showed up on here.most wanted to get a nemo tank for their kids.but none of them had any clue about the basics of salt keeping and went and bought a 20-30 gallon tank.
my supplier gets in morish idolfish all the time.he actually wont sell them untill they eat.then when i go there to pick up a fish i see them eat.
i havnt tried one yet but maybe someday.


New Member
Since im not going to be able to add any sand sifters to the cc what do i need to look into for a cleanup crew? i want a lion fish only but looks like my wife wants pretty lil fish... Got to keep momma happy...


Active Member
look into dwarf lions since a big one will eat small fish.
i love my flame hawk fish always fun to watch him.
clownfish,firefish,dwarf angels