Got Stung...


New Member
So I look at it like my motorcycle... all riders fall into one of 2 categories, those that had been down, and those that are going to go down. If you own a lion fish (or anything else venomous) there's those that have been stung and those that will be. (hopefully not though) I was taking the excess food out from the bottom of the tank with a net much shorter than I should have been using and not paying any attention to the lions... big mistake. drew blood in 2 spots...
wasn't too bad though. got it in hot water little swelling and pain but nothing i cant live with. Also got stung by my LTA last night moving rocks around. I think i need to get a little more sleep at night.


Active Member
Ya, it's one thing to say be careful, but I've done a couple of things that made me think after "that was stupid".
Watch for infection.


LOL...when I had a motorcycle my motto was NEVER
all riders fall into one of 2 categories, those that had been down, and those that are going to go down
I never even considered getting a lionfish cause I didn't want a fish that would sting me or one that was venomous...then I get 2 teeny tiny black damsels that tried to eat me when they grew up...LOL....Let's just say they are gone now yayyyyy
SOOOO when stung by a lionfish that is don't have to do anything???? just wash it?


Active Member
Placing your hand under tolerable hot water will help with the sting. Other than that there isn't much to do except watch for infection.... unless you are allergic to it. I haven't heard too much about allergic reactions though.


With my luck it would kill me....LOL....I once had a little sweat bee sting the tip of my index finger and I swelled all the way to my elbow


Active Member
i was moving some rocks around when the back of my forearm brushed up against my small BTA,wich i figured out is the only place on my arm i can feel its sting, it stung for about a minute then went away. I wonder what itll be like when it gets bigger

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The SWFMAS is having their open house for 2010 this Saturday one speaker is Steven Pro(Steven Pro:
Steven Pro has been working fulltime in the ornamental aquatics
industry for over 15 years now primarily doing design, sales,
installation, and ongoing maintenance of aquarium displays, but he has
done his fair share of time working the sales floor at pet stores
too. Currently, he is the Vice President of Sales for IceCap Inc. He
has also written over 40 articles for various aquarium publications
and presented at more than 50 aquarium clubs and conferences across
the US. Additionally, he has taken an active role in the aquarium
hobby serving on the Board of Directors of his local marine society as
well as national organizations such as the Marine Aquarium Society of
North America and the American Marinelife Dealers Association and was
Co-Chair of the 19th annual Marine Aquarium Conference of North America) the very topic is is speaking on is "I touched it and now what" should be very interesting


actually, there's a nice section on envenomation in Frank Marini's excellent lionfish article (google Frank Marini Lionfish).
also, James Fatheree did a really nice article dedicated to the subject entitled Lionfish Envenomations and the Aquarist. there's a link to it in Frank's lionfish article.
personally, i've been keeping venomous fish for 20 years and have never been popped...nor do i plan on it!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
personally, i've been keeping venomous fish for 20 years and have never been popped
has not your lovely wife's constant Popping made you some what immune


Active Member
Anyone who has something venomous should get stung by it at least once; simply to respect the POWA!


New Member
been about 10 hours. Hands still a little swolen and still minor pain but that's about it. I think I figured out why I got stung but I'll post more in the morning. Been a long sad night and need to get some sleep. I think I might be losing the lions.
more info in the morning...


Active Member
Omg... I just read this thread.. I am scared to hear the sad news. Why do you think you'll be losing them?

Also, you should post pics of the wounds/stings. It would be good to have in the archives.