Got Stung...


New Member
Ok, so I lost the smaller of the two lions. And I'm pretty sure it was totally my fault =( As I mentioned in another thread I believe I got ich in my tank and set up a QT for treat them. Ich was really odd but thats another topic. I put them in my old 55G that I set up. Has a fluval 304 on it. They went into QT Mon morning. They looked normal mid day yesterday and ate just fine. They were doign ok until last night when they got real blotchy and light colored and started acting kinda funny. their color has been regularly lighter since the ich but not blotchy like it was. went in an hour later and my smaller one was totally bleached adn really acting funny. He died about an hour later. Thought about it and realized I had no air goign into the tank. Somewhere I remember reading that bubbles are bad on a SW tank and never totally read into it more since I've been reading into so many other things so I've kinda had that stuck in my head. They did fine for first few days cause I didnt have tank totally full and filter output was not submerged so it created air in the water so I didnt really think about it. well yesterday I was finishing filling to drop salinity for hypo and did not take any water out so output was now submerged.So im pretty sure thats what it was. I did get a bubbler in there last night though and my older one looks a lot better today. I am pretty sad though cause I had him for over 4 years, Just got him a new tank, had problems and now this ='( I could have lost all teh corals and other 2 fish that I have and would have been fine with it but one of teh 2 fish that I cared about... such is life. still have my 5 year old though so I am greatful for that. With Easter and everything goign on right now I guess I just totally overlooked that glad I caught it when I did and didnt lose both.


Active Member
No, my friend... that's shouldn't do it.
Are you saying the last thing you did to the tank, before you noticed a change in their appearance, was add more water? Tell us about that water. It's source, your prep of it etc.


New Member
I don't hink it was the water. I know the water I get it good. Ro/di from water store.where I've been getting my water for a while now.i think it was the lack of oxygen in the tank the did it. At least that's the only thing that I can figure out that it could be. The filter return was out of the water before since the water lvl was low and created bubbles when it returned water. When I finished filling up the tank it submersed the return so the only way O2 could get into the water was through the non adjitated(no spell check on phone) surface water. Unless I'm totally missing something. But that's the only thing that changed. And once the bubbler went in the other lion went over to it and seems much better today. But I know water is ok and I checked all my lvls and everything is good. I took some pix of them last night when they were blotchy. I'll post tonight after work. Is there something else that you think it could be?


Im really sorry for your loss Lionguy. It sucks loosing fish but so much more so when they become part of the family. Im sure Lions have big personalitys too and that makes it hard too.
Do you have surface agitation or some powerheads in your QT?