Gotta love those frogs!

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by efishnsea
Here is a couple...I have had the big one for about 5 years, it had only 3-4 heads when I got it...

Woh!!! That's awesome!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Woh!!! That's awesome!!!
Thanks :joy: , it is one of my favorites. I never thought that the little piece I bought would grow into something like this :jumping: ....
efish :happyfish nsea


Ok everyone those are just wonderful. How do you all take care of them? I just got one 2 days ago from a friend, has 6 heads, but only 4 of them look alive, and they are only out about 1". I'm sure it is in stress from being moved, but how long do you think it will be like this? I am worried about it, don't want it to die......? :notsure:


Originally Posted by EmeralCrab
Ok everyone those are just wonderful. How do you all take care of them? I just got one 2 days ago from a friend, has 6 heads, but only 4 of them look alive, and they are only out about 1". I'm sure it is in stress from being moved, but how long do you think it will be like this? I am worried about it, don't want it to die......? :notsure:
Make sure they are getting good lighting. I kept mine under MH and it grew fast but you can definetly keep them under power compacts as well without a problem.


Also water flow is a big issue I have found. Too much flow and they will not extend. They should have just a gentle sway to them. I keep mine under T-5 lighting on top of the reef, which is about half way up my 55 tank, and on the side where you just barely see the tentacles moving.


Active Member
here is my froggy - and my blackcap decided to get in the shots for some nice color contrast, how nice of him!



I love mine. I dont think that $55.00 was too high on that one post. I got mine for 80.00 and that was high i thought but then i have a ton of heads on them. And that sucker in full form gets about a dinner plate in size. There are something you just MUST have !!!!



Originally Posted by teviesfish
I love mine. I dont think that $55.00 was too high on that one post. I got mine for 80.00 and that was high i thought but then i have a ton of heads on them. And that sucker in full form gets about a dinner plate in size. There are something you just MUST have !!!!
I whole heartily agree to both! I paid $75 for my big pink one and am completely satisfied. My green was actually a frag that broke off a big one in the dealer's tank and he gave it to me not knowing if it would make it. Well, look at it now! Frogspawn's are just amazing when totally open.


Hey these are all wonderful! I can't ever seem to win one of these on the great auction site! BOOO! If anyone has a spare frag I'd be interested..I love these guys! Thanks for sharing!