Gotta love...

nm reef

Active Member
Its a combination of epoxy for mounting frags(I buy it at a LFS) and super great.


Active Member
SWEEEEEEEEET, hec, I'm kind of glad you never did get that e-mail I sent. There's no way I could have matched all of those frags...
Maybe we can do some swappin in the spring. We plan to come your way sometime this springearly summer to kind of scope out a new place to live. Kind of think AZ or MN..

nm reef

Active Member
dayum....I missed a email from you that may have resulted in frags!!!!!!!!! Now I hate myself!!!!!!!! old computor went crazy and we replaced it with a new one...I seem to have lost several contacts. I really hate not hearing from you. So you may give up the SoCal rat race huh? There are plenty of wide open spaces around here...stay in touch and maybe we can hook up. Thanks for the comments...I had considered a purchase from my yankee friend a few months ago but surgury got in the way and I haven't got around to it...then my wife emails him and sets this up without my knowledge...

yosemite sam

Active Member
HOLY COW!!! Santa was really nice to you this year! Cool. Hopefully he will spread some of that christmas spirit around to the rest of us too!

nm reef

Active Member
marine epoxy purchased at a trusted LFS....special tube of stuff that you break off a piece of...mix it together and use within a short time frame...great for mounting the frag and for placement in the reef. I also use small daps of super glue to secure everything as needed.

nm reef

Active Member
Hiya Yosemite Sam....the jolly old fat guy was sure nice to me...and early too!!!! I'm waitiin for the shipper to pop in and see if he has anything to say...he may be upset over how I mounted his
Hopefully by this time next year most of my recent additions will have grown out some and who knows...maybe someday I'll be the one sending out frags presents....

tru conch

Active Member
wow, really nice frags NM. all im going to end up getting is some clothes probably. but i did treat myself and i picked up a nice orange monti. cap. hahaha. i cant wait to see your frags grow out!


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
So you may give up the SoCal rat race huh? There are plenty of wide open spaces around here...stay in touch and maybe we can hook up.

You know, we really lucked out with our new home and the area but in just the 20 months we've been here this area has grown like none I've ever seen. The schools are nice, the neighbors are great but I feel its going to do nothing but go down hill. We've looked up North and now plan to look down south...
BTW, check out HD for the marine epoxy. They stock the same stuff at a fraction of the LFS price.


Staff member
Great frags, NMR! And have a Merry, merry Christmas! That is some package there. Can not wait to see them taking off in your reef system.
A W E S O M E!
And Mrs, NMR? Did she get King Tut's treasure for Xmas or what?


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
LOVE the orange polyp, purple base. Is that a Danae?

It's definitely not an A. danae. It's the same issue with everyone reffering to plating montipora's as being a 'Capricornis,' while the truth is that there are roughly 2 dozen species of Montipora which form very similiar plates. I'm thinking that the "Red Polyped Danae" is actually an M. monasteriata.


It's definitely not an A. danae. It's the same issue with everyone reffering to plating montipora's as being a 'Capricornis,' while the truth is that there are roughly 2 dozen species of Montipora which form very similiar plates. I'm thinking that the "Red Polyped Danae" is actually an M. monasteriata
Wow, someone's been doing his homework! I hope someday I know as much about this stuff as you do.:yes:
You know, we really lucked out with our new home and the area but in just the 20 months we've been here this area has grown like none I've ever seen. The schools are nice, the neighbors are great but I feel its going to do nothing but go down hill. We've looked up North and now plan to look down south...
I couldn't agree more golfish, the more time I spend down here the less I like it.
NM, very nice collection you got going there, im truly envious. Make sure to keep us updated with "after" shots, I cant wait to seen those babies all-growns-up.


Active Member
Awsome peices! Someone must have been extra nice this year! :yes:
I've been doing some looking around for one of those red polyp/blue "danaes", and I haven't heard anybody call it something else. The best I could find is a rainbow montipora "danae" I will be recieving in January. I have heard, however, that the rainbow monti is not a danae. Just wondering, if the red polyp/blue isn't a danae, then what is?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
My wife is the one that made the purchase...I want to especially thank the member here that assisted her in this little surprise!!! Without mentioning a name I'll just say thanks....and wish a Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and know who you are!!!!!

Merry Christmas NM! I've been meaning to hook you up and who would have thought that your wife would make it happen... this is a first, and if SWF nominated a "reef spouse" your wife would win hands down. It's tough to appreciate the beauty of frags, but with patience and the right conditions they take off... With almost 10,000 posts of informative and respectful posts you deserved it NM (price was about 1/3)... keep up the good work and good luck matching a gift for your wife!:D
Regarding the danae/tortuosa/capricornis species naming issues we could always go nuts. Some corals just get tagged with an industry name and it sticks despite the good possibility that the name is not acurate. A good example are the various A. tortuosas, but in reality the important thing is the reason we love these corals, which is not their name, but instead their true uniqueness, rarity, and striking colors...
Santa brought my wife and I the new house we closed on yesterday! We'll keep the apartment through mid January to make a sane move of the corals. My new system will go up, complete with my old 180 gallon, 90 gallon sump, 125 gallon frags tank (6'x2'x17") and 40 fuge. On top of that I bought myself a blueline angel for Christmas (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) that will grace the 180 as I've found him not to bother corals or clams in my frag tank (I got this usually very expensive angel for a steal so I couldn't wait!).
To give you an idea what you got NM... here are some shots of the Mommy colonies... we'll start with the best...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
The fused branch powder blue milli... a frag I got from a wild colony from a buddy who lost the colony after that. Another old picture... he's now almost at the glass and shading all underneath with it's fused branch table growth formation...