I am wanting to do a refugium/sump under my existing 90g tank.
Since it is not drilled I understand that i need the overflox box. checking out ---- i found one that i liked was a duel that does 1000gph. Does that effect the size of sump i would need. and when looking for a pump to take the water back in to the display tank is that suppose to match the gph coming from the tank?
also does the gph change what size bulk heads (right) that i need not sure if i would want to use an inch or inch in half.
And I have two tanks that I would like to change into the sump fuge haven't decided which on to use yet i have a 20g and 29g neither fit under my tank (whole other dilemma) but would one be more benifical to use then the other.
when yall make your own sump/fuge. do u use plexiglass for the dividers and do u glue them in? does it matter what size i set things up for the chambers in the fuge tank. 1 chamber would be for the sump another for the fuge (largest section) and on for the pump.
okay one more thing. most of the fuge set ups i notice had the pump being in the last chamber that would help get the water back in to the tank. but i heard once that with the pump being there it would kind of "chop up" some of the nuterients or food from the fuge. is there away to avoid this or am i understanding in wrong.
thanks alot. for anybody who is willing to give advise.
Since it is not drilled I understand that i need the overflox box. checking out ---- i found one that i liked was a duel that does 1000gph. Does that effect the size of sump i would need. and when looking for a pump to take the water back in to the display tank is that suppose to match the gph coming from the tank?
also does the gph change what size bulk heads (right) that i need not sure if i would want to use an inch or inch in half.
And I have two tanks that I would like to change into the sump fuge haven't decided which on to use yet i have a 20g and 29g neither fit under my tank (whole other dilemma) but would one be more benifical to use then the other.
when yall make your own sump/fuge. do u use plexiglass for the dividers and do u glue them in? does it matter what size i set things up for the chambers in the fuge tank. 1 chamber would be for the sump another for the fuge (largest section) and on for the pump.
okay one more thing. most of the fuge set ups i notice had the pump being in the last chamber that would help get the water back in to the tank. but i heard once that with the pump being there it would kind of "chop up" some of the nuterients or food from the fuge. is there away to avoid this or am i understanding in wrong.
thanks alot. for anybody who is willing to give advise.