Originally Posted by
You ask
Yeah pal, seriously a LITERAL statement..sheesh laugh a little.
Muckraking at its finest.
I do appologize to the orignial poster for the highjack, but the exchange of finger pointing and bleeding heart statements about how horrid it is to jump to conclusions about a person's character without all known facts is silly to me.
Someone behaves like a lunatic, you treat them like a lunatic. I do not support the line of thought that "oh no, we cant jump to conclusions about someone without knowing ALL the facts"
Sure we can, I do, yes I will say it. I judge people all the time, every day. Someone who comes to provoke an individual at their place of work and start fights is rediculous. Straight out of the syndicated legacy of Jerry Springer.
They are trash, I wont even bother going into the debate of how and why individuals earn this title beyond superficial actions. Those same superficial actions are what I judge them on. Judging is easy. It is what you SHOULD do as part of a community in my oppinion. Tolerance towards these actions and behavior patterns because ALL of the facts are unknown is nobel. It is also rediculous and unrealistic. Not everyone deserves a chace, not a second shot to turn themselves around. Life is not fair.
Someone behaves stupid, they are an idiot. No second chances for "bad days, or dog just got ran over and they were upset" blah blah blah. They get branded Idiot!
As for poking at strippers, yep, I claim that statemnt also. Just purley because it is funny. I only wish I could take the credit. It is a one liner from a comedian. I have more but perhaps they would be better shared on a different venue. It is Shallow, hurtful and probably mean to those poor poor misguided single mothers but it is funny as heck so I stand by it. I never intentionally go out to offend. Not directly of course, if someone gets ruffled in the exchange I do recognize their feelings. I do not however think it is a travisty that shocks people the way portrayed by above posts.
The monster, the horrible, evil, and judging Monster.....
"Methinks thou dost protest too much."
Quotation marks. See how easy that was? If you're gonna borrow something, at least make an attempt at giving credit where it's due. That way, I would've misinterpreted your statement as a lame attempt at humor rather than sheer bigotry.