Green Bubble Algae

p fish

Just notice some Green bubble algae on a couple pieces my corals and rock. Is this something I need to be concerned with, and should I remove it? Thanks.....


Unfortunately it spreads pretty quick. I would remove it. Try not to break the algae because it will spread thousands of spores throughout your tank and spread that much quicker. There are a few crabs/fish that eat it also.


the crabs does a good job at eating it, but they do spread thousands of spores throughout your tank as well when they brake the bubbles. i remove them one by on by hand, i find that this is the best way that worked for me. JMO it just takes some time tho.
I had a pretty good bubble algae outbreak about 4 months ago.
Removed most of it by hand. Then added some Emerald crabs. I now very rarely see and bubble algae in my tank. Emerald crabs are the only crabs that will eat Valonia (bubble algae) that I know of. I have actually witnessed them eating it so I know they work in most cases..
Try to remove the bubbles at the base, large bubbles will release spores. Mechanical filtration (wet/dry, protein skimmer) may help to remove the spores from the water if in fact you do break some.
Emerald crab