green carpet good or not


i wanan start putting corals in my tank but i love the carpet anonome what i cant spell it anyway are they good for the tank


Before starting with anenomes or corals, I would recommend you purchase a good book and do some reading!!!
Your lights are marginal at best, and are not recommended for anything but low light corals. Try mushrooms, xenia, or possibly green star polyps. You could also add feather dusters, low light gorgonians and things like that. Some button polyps too if placed close to the lights may work too.
Sun coral also referred to as orange cup coral, in the family Tubastrea does not require good lighting and should only be attempted by expert aquarists...
Again, get a good book and do some reading. Being a stock broker, you would not want to make un-informed decisions, treat your aquarium the same way. The few extra dollars would be well spent!

bang guy

Carpets are really nice but have a few problems.
1 - If they become unhappy with the current environment thaey will wander in search of greener pasteurs. They will kill every coral they touch along the way.
2 - They eat fish. Carpets are REALLY sticky. Any fish that gets spooked and brushes against a Carpet is history.


Active Member
I have a green carpet , yes they move this one moved a little right on top of that alvelopora,:( thats was it for that coral,
and I wanted to see how long it would go too, So beware of the Carpet, I saw one at a LFS the size of a large pizza:eek:


My Brown Carpet has not moved the spot I put him at about 1 month ago. Seems to be happy where he is at so far.
I did have to move a cup coral away from him as when he first spread out it caught me off guard. He started to sting it.
I haven't lost any fish to him yet. (knocks on wood)
I keep him fed on shrimp and squid.


Here is the whole tank and you can see where he it at. Space is marginal for him. Though he can make his own space!


I suggest staying away from carpets. I would like to get rid of mine, but the lfs won't take it. It will eat your fish and kill corals that get in its way. The mushrooms in the pic are no longer with us.:( But they are really neat. It doesn't move around much, but when it does I have to rearrange the corals near it. Mine is about 14-15 ins. across when fully extended. Takes up a lot of room and it grows pretty fast.


Active Member
just got rid of ours
the only things i have found wrong, are already mentioned
1- they move
2- they kill any inverts in their way
3- they wil make a meal out of anything in their way
4 like to eat your fishes
5- get very large and fast too
6-stick to everything(ever try ot move one?)
we lost a cleaner and a mandarin and a percula clown ot him. And the last problem was finding it a new home.:(

richard rendos

Active Member
I love my Blue Haddoni. It moved around for the first week or so...since then it has stayed in place. I feed it silversides/krill/sand eels. Love the color and it has never stung or killed the brain corals that are right next to it...they touch constantly with no adverse affects.


Active Member
A side note for richards tank:
Man that thing is still alive? You have done a good job on it. Looks good and can't belive you cycled that tank with that in it.


Active Member
I have told this story before and I will tell it again. I had a beautiful green carpet anenome. It wah great and really flouresced under the blue light. I had it about a week and it still had not found a happy home yet. I figured I would let it find it's own place to live. It found a place, but since it was near a rock it did not open up all the way. Came home from work one day to find it, and all the inhabitants of the tank DEAD. It looks like one of the shrimp or crabs got in there and ate it up. It could do that since the anenome was not opened up all the way, it could climb from the rockk into the middle of the anenome.
Since the invertabrites were alive I started over. If they had died the aquarium would have gone back into the garage. I will not have an anenome in my tank now and I have gone lighter ont he crabs and shrimp as well.


Active Member
I had a green carpet but gave it back to lfs when my royal gramma got stuck on it and it was curling up for the kill. Get this, my lfs has had a green carpet in it's 200 gal show tank for 3 years. They have also had a (now) full grown naso tang in there that is 5 years old. When they came in to work yesterday morning the green carpet was eating the naso, it was about half eaten. That was one big fish! and it had been living with carpet for 3 years and it still ended up getting eaten. It was so sad, such a loss of a great fish:( Carpet are beautiful, but I would not have one again, too big of a risk.